*Bonus Chapter* (2) Xavier's POV: 2012

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(2) Xavier’s POV: 2012

I ran my hand over the sheets, and then lifted to pillow to my face. My nose pressed to the cream colored pillowcase as I inhaled deeply. The scent brought a smile to my face. Cherries.

“You should leave now. My manager would fire me if he knew I let you in here,” said the maid who stood anxiously by the door.

I ignored her and continued inhaling the intoxicating scent. Lucy was sloppy on this one. She didn’t even bother to clean up after herself this time. I saw a tube of lipstick underneath the desk as well as a hairbrush by the sink. Clearly she left in a hurry. I always seem to be just too late. I lifted the brush up and took a sniff to get her scent. It smelled like a mixture of her scent and rose petal shampoo. “Are you sure she left just an hour ago?” I questioned without bothering to look her way.


I grabbed the tube from under the desk and stuffed it into my pocket along with the brush. “Did she drive away or take a taxi?”

“Neither. She ran down the street.”

Sloppy, Lucy, I thought in amusement. I headed towards the exit. “Was she with anyone?”

The woman shook her head.

I smiled in relief. It was difficult to tell whether there had been more than one person in this room. The place smelled like twenty or so due to poor cleaning. I shoved past the woman and made my way towards the parking lot. She followed close behind to insure she was paid properly. When I reached the car I turned and faced her with a one hundred dollar bill in my hand. “Thank you for your help.” You’re lucky I’m in too much of a hurry to kill you.

I climbed into my car and immediately pulled out the compass. The arrow began to spin round and round before slowly settling towards the North West. The compass, though extremely handy, was only helpful as to which direction she was. Unfortunately, it couldn’t give me her exact location or how far North West she was. It was infuriating. What was even more frustrating was the fact that she never stayed in one place longer than three days. By the time I reach her she’s off to another location. You’d think after a decade she would give up.

The compass was my guide as I sped down the road at top speed. If she was on foot, she wouldn’t be more than several miles down the road. But she could have always taken a car further down the road. How in the hell did she become so great at running? For the first few years it was incredibly difficult to track her. She gave me false trails that would have sent me South if the compass hadn’t told me otherwise. She even cleaned up behind her so that there was no trace of her stays at hotels or apartments. The past few years she has been more reckless. I’ve come so painfully close to catching her that it’s been driving me insane.

My cell phone alarm went off, informing me that I had half an hour before the sun was to rise. Knowing Lucy, she was probably hiding out under a rock or something until tomorrow night. I pulled up to a more luxurious hotel and paid for a room. It thankfully had thick curtains to keep the sunlight out. That was all that matter. I pulled them tightly closed and used clothes pins to keep them together. After insuring that no light would come through, I undressed and climbed into bed with my hairbrush. Her scent was so strong that I was almost dizzy. It’s been a while since I’ve smelled her as strongly as this.

My thoughts drifted from where I was and back twenty years ago. We were happy. No, we were in complete bliss. I thought about her creamy smooth skin and the way her lower back curved perfectly to my hand. The memory of her lips made my mouth water. It’s been a while since I had slept with someone; at least a year or two. It was difficult to keep track of the time when I traveled so much. The woman I had been with was a mistake. But it helped my urges and loneliness for a long while. In my defense, I thought I’d find Lucy by then.

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