(9) Past

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(9) Past: 1969

The cold night was nothing to us as we walked through the woods to get away from the town we caused so much havoc in. Xavier’s firm grasp on my hand kept me from worrying about a stake magically going through my heart like it almost had when we killed the baker just hours earlier. 

“I told you not to stay. You should have run into here when I told you to,” Xavier scolded. 

I sighed heavily as he continued to scold me about my reactions being slow. “I couldn’t just let them stake you while I watched,” I replied with a wave of the hand. 

He stopped and faced me with a slight smile that the moonlight shined beautifully. “You were worried about me?” he questioned as he ran his fingers through my red curls. 

It was silly, but for the past few years it had been… Pleasant? Yes, they were actually enjoyable. We were equals, and I think Xavier was finally seeing me as his equal? 

“What are you thinking about, love?” he wondered. 

“Mostly about our near-death experience.” 

He pressed his lips to my forehead and then my pouty lips—which were still pouting from nearly dying. That’s when a twig snapped near us and I was jerked behind Xavier for protection. It would have been considered sweet if he wasn’t so snappy while he told me what to do. 

“I smell them,” he breathed. 

“Them? Who?” 

“Dogs. Filthy wolves are out there… We need to go, now.” He pulled me behind him as we ran for safety. 

All hell broke loose. It was as if a wall hit me. I was thrown nearly a hundred feet and was pinned down by a bone-crushing monster. The wolf was huge with hot nasty breath and coal black eyes that screamed death. Its claws were digging into the flesh of my arms as it snarled at me viciously. And just like that it disappeared. 

Xavier had it pinned to a tree as his rage took over. His rage side wasn’t something anyone should see. His fists pounded into the monster, causing it to howl in agony. Blood coated Xavier’s fist before he finally calmed down and snapped the wolf’s neck. I still hadn’t gotten up yet from the shock of it all. Blood coated my arms, dripped down my legs, and even dripped down my face. Yet I didn’t feel the pain. More howls filled the air as more creatures were heading this way to destroy us. 

“We have to go!” Xavier shouted at me before yanking me to my feet and running as fast as we possibly could. 

Several times we nearly had our heads taken off by the beasts before finally we reached a city. We stumbled towards a house and Xavier pounded on the door, his hand coated in wolf blood. A middle-aged woman came out, her eyes widening and a shriek building in her throat as she saw me covered in my own blood. Before she could pull her leg inside the threshold, Xavier grabbed her ankle and bam; she was yanked out and killed. 

“She must not live alone!” he groaned, attempted to get inside with no luck. 

I was feeding on the woman while he talked, so I didn’t particularly care what was happening while blood was going down my throat. After finishing her, I dropped the body near the garage and clenched my jaw as the pain of my recent wounds began to finally surfaced. The wolves were long gone, but I was still trying to stay aware in case this woman’s husband came home. I started to wonder what he’d do when he found her body near the bushes. Would he cry immediately? Would he throw up? 

Being the creature I am today, I was quite curious to see his reaction. It thrilled me even. Xavier was mostly the one whom had a thing for tragedy. I began to imagine the many ways that the husband would react when he came home. The pain was very distracting as I took a seat on the porch and tried to think happy thoughts; death, blood, death, blood, sex, blood, sex, blood. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a car practically screeched out in front of the house. Xavier waved me to get inside. I quickly did. 

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