Book 6⌇4. Of Course, There's a Rebellion

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Chapter 4 ∣  Of Course, There's a Rebellion


Rubbing my temples, it had been a short-lived trip to Earth. In my stupidity to follow the vampire, I'd become more agitated, the games I usually play with females did not necessarily work with her. She appeared to have a gift like how sex demons faze between Earth and Hell, but she didn't leave that plane of existence.

It reminded me of a certain pureblood vampire that hid from my eyes, appearing only when he wanted to take away my succubus. Do they share the same gift?

"We need more security."

Oh...their voices sound like nails on a chalkboard.

Yes, I was sitting on the throne my father once had, now it was my turn to lead.

"Why would we need more security?" I asked, not having been paying as much attention as I should have been, my mind wandering to the alluring vampire who killed three werewolves on her own...and she wasn't even a pureblood.

The incubus guard standing before me growled in his own irritation. Oh look, we're both irritated, let us call it a day.

"There is a rebellion, your highness," he didn't like to repeat himself, but he did a very good job of protecting this palace that sat on a large mass of land in the center of a lava lake. The only way to get here was across the old bridge...well and apparently an underground tunnel that had sealed off.

"Let me guess," I sighed, standing to my feet, my ass numbs from sitting, "These such demons don't like the way I rule and will probably never like the way anyone rules. So, they want anarchy and we all know where that leads..." My father's dead body was something I'd never forget, watching him die amongst the demons overthrowing him.

Think of it as brutal impeaching.

The head guard nodded, "They have assassins."

"Oh joy!" I exclaimed sarcastically. A lovely little piece of work succubi and incubi assassins were. They were born with an innate ability to control electrical currents, and if trained properly, they were very deadly. Though, my father was never killed by any of them, so they can't be all that intimidating.

They probably wanted some self-righteous, for the people, a common demon to lead them. My father may have been a tyrant, but at least he kept lesser demons from traveling to Earth for their own pleasure. He kept everything in order, just allowing beings such as ourselves to take energy and souls when we needed it.

Maybe they want a change of scenery? Want to wreak a little havoc on Earth?

Even I'm not that stupid.

"If you would just take a wife, maybe they would all back off," Tyco mumbled from the right side of the chair, his eyes casting to the floor.

Again...I don't need a woman to prove I can rule. They make you...soft...

I prefer the company of my slaves and lovers, Natasha was clingy, but at least I didn't have to make a lasting commitment with her.

"Tyco," I snapped, my adviser, lifting his eyes and staring directly at me, "And where is your mate?"

"I don't have one, your highness...I haven't found her," his voice was hurt, but I wanted to strike a deal with him.

I smirked, "Well then, the day you find your mate, is the day I choose my wife. How does that sound?"

I knew that could be forever, as sometimes you just never found your mate.

"There is one more thing," the guard brought my attention away from my adviser, "Soul Reapers plan to meet with you within the coming month."

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