Book 6⌇11. I'm Not a Stripper...

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Chapter 11 ∣  I'm Not a Stripper...


I'm really in Hell...

How did I get here though, if I didn't die? I guess Keegan forgot to mention that part...probably on purpose as then I might be tempted to find a way back home. Sure, he was right about one thing, Landon wanted me dead, throwing me aside and allowing for Cleo to take my rightful place.

If he thought just because I no longer would have a chance with Landon, that he could just take me away as though I were his property, then he has another thing coming. I'd rather just be left alone then, rather than jumping into anything with this creepy demon that thinks I'm going to be his wife.

No thank you. I'd rather not be a queen.

I prefer the shadows then having everyone watching me open all the time. This was not where I saw my life going...well, maybe I wouldn't have to worry about werewolves anymore. That's one bonus to mark off the checklist.

I glowered at the mirror, wiping my hand across the condensation that had gathered during my shower. This was just a big mistake. Why did he want me anyways? I can't be all that appealing to a demon whose life goal is to sleep with as many women as possible, drain their energy and if he felt like it, devour their souls. Why would he go after a vampire? I don't have a soul...

Rolling my eyes back at myself, the thought struck me that it could just be amusing for him to lust after something that he can't have. Where's his beloved? Shouldn't he be attending to her every desire?

Unless that Natasha demon with giant wings and a fucking tail was his mate...he'd be just as bad as Landon, ignoring her and bringing me into this situation. Why can't he just let me go home? I never did anything to him, in fact, I was willing to forgive and forget him invading my personal thoughts and filling them with corrupt dreams of fantasies.

Okay...maybe those fantasies weren't that bad...but not with a man-whore...the jackass can go find someone else to claim as his prize and mount on a wall as a trophy.

He'd be lucky if I didn't rip his heart out as a one treats me this way. I'm not some common human, nor somebody's whore. I'm a trained assassin and my skills are just being locked away here.

After angrily arguing with myself over what I was going to do, safely assuming I couldn't escape Hell by running, I would have to just observe and wait for the opportune moment to run. Whether I ran home or to another place on Earth, I just wanted to be free.

Flicking at the heart-shaped silver lock with my fingertip, I sighed. This...will be the first thing to go. How nice of him to at least not inject me with undiluted liquid least he's better than Landon in that sense. But Keegan's still trapping me here, just like him...

With the black towel wrapped around my body, I froze, my blood running cold when I saw what was lying on the bed. Clothes...yea, right.

Nearing the edge of the bed, I took the fabric into my right hand and brought it closer to confirm this was considered clothing.

Maybe I can find something else, let's see...

Wandering around the room and opening drawers from the cabinets, I could hardly find any clothing that didn't belong to Keegan. I'd rather wear the stupid stripper outfit then wear anything of his, then he'll think I've given in and want him. I don't want him!

I want Landon.

Fuck me! I don't want him...I just don't know how to let go! Just...someone help me, please just tell me what I'm supposed to do because I'm so lost. This is the worst thing that could have happened and now I don't think I'll ever see Earth again. I'll be stuck in this demon-infested land and I swear to Christ, if there really is a devil, I'll curse him out forever allowing these monsters to live.

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