Book 6⌇14. I'm Not Biting You

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Chapter 14 ∣  I'm Not Biting You


It was silent.

The four of us sat around a medium length, antique maple wood table, the chairs that we sat upon held the same aged look. Keegan was sitting at the head of the table, Harlan directly across from him, while I sat on his right side, my eyes lifting to meet with Tyco's briefly.

Uncomfortable as I felt, still wearing the revealing clothing, I couldn't keep eye contact for more than a second with anyone. His purple eyes trailing over my exposed skin, I could feel each time Harlan glanced my way, the grip that I had on the fork tightening. It was an abnormal feeling, having eyes landing on me, the shadows my once protective cover I could no longer shrink away to when things got like this.

I was just something pretty to look at.

That's not what I wanted to be.

They were all eating, and it took everything within me to just barely stomach the beef stroganoff. Though the aroma was teasing my senses, it wasn't what I was craving at this moment. Judging by how weak I was getting, I realized it had been just over three or four days since I'd last fed. It was beginning to take a toll on me, despite the silver withholding my full strength, I was starting to have vision problems. Still able to make out who I saw, when I turned too quickly, my vision crossed and went hazy, making me sick to my stomach and leaving me dizzy.

This was a foreign, weakness. A weakness I didn't show to anyone, let alone creatures who would lay with women just to take what they wanted...what they needed. It repulsed me, that their sole existence was to take energy, slowly reducing the number of years a mortal being had left, selfishly using it to continue living.

The nagging voice in the back of my mind had me sounding like a hypocrite. Vampires only exist to steal blood from humans. What are our lives, if not dependent on those of the weak? We're similar in that respect. Would I ever admit that out loud? No, because then they would find some way to sweet talk me into believing I would have a better life in Hell than on Earth.

Yea...not thank you.

My stomach clenched, hearing the blood coursing through each of their veins, the pounding of their heartbeats as it circulated the sweet essence. How much longer can I last?

That question...the answer wasn't that far off.

I wouldn't do it though.

I wouldn't ask him for blood...

I wouldn't stoop so low...

After the way he made me feel, whether he touched me or just intruded into my mind, I wasn't sure exactly how I felt. Honestly, the only thoughts I had toward Landon as of late, had been the many ways I wanted to kill him and Cleo for their betrayal. Karma has a funny way of making things right, even if I must settle the score myself, I'll make it happen.

My other thoughts...

Shifting my eyes, my fork picking at the food on the plate, I saw Keegan out of the corner of my eye, his own gaze locked with Harlan's. "Did you find out any information about the rebel group?"

"None," Harlan replied, "Except that an assassin attempted to kill me. That was exciting."

Keegan arched an eyebrow and asked, "Oh, and how did that go?"

"'Attempted', as you can see," Harlan motioned to himself, flaunting his very much intact body and chuckled, "They aren't that strong if you can throw off their innate ability."

You don't say?

Thoughts drawn to the silver collar and wondering if there was any possible way, I could get it off...without having to get close enough to Keegan...

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