Chapter 1: Breathe

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My name is Cassandra, but most refer to me as Cass. I am not okay. These three little words lie behind my eyes when I smile and talk as if I'm okay. One more step. I will myself to keep moving. I am dragging myself to school. I will be ten minutes late due to my-oh-so-wonderful man that I call my father. I had to take extra care to cover up the marks and bruises that he gave me the night before. In case you didn't know, my father became a raging alcoholic after my mother died. Believe it or not we were a happy family at one point, but then my mother was diagnosed with cancer. I was deep into my own depressing thoughts that I hadn't noticed my new neighbor crossing my path.

"Oomph!" I crashed into a rather hard chest.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

"It's not a problem. Thinking too hard?" He chuckles.

"Yeah, I guess."

"What's your name Shorty?" I am exactly five feet tall, so I am very short compared to this 6'3 guy standing in front of me.

"Cassandra, but I prefer Cass. Yours?"

"Nicholas, but you can call me Nick, Shorty! Where are you headed?"

"Canby High School. Where do you go to school?"

"I just enrolled in Canby High. I'll walk with you."


It took us about ten minutes to walk to the school. On the way there, I learned that he had moved from Pomona, California to Canby, Oregon. He also loves to sing, play guitar, swim, play basketball, and baseball. I told him about my love for books and music. I never once mentioned my family. It's way too early for that, but then again, I've never really talked much about my family.

"What classes do you have with me?" He asks.

"It looks like English, History, Math, and P.E."

"Cool. Ready to go to Math?"

"Not really, the teacher is a butt." I groaned dramatically.

"Well, you're going or I'm throwing you over my shoulder and then you're going. Your choice!" He starts to pick me up.

"AAAHHH!!! NICKY, PUT ME DOWN!!!!! I WILL WALK!!!!!!!" I was partly laughing and partly screaming.

"Okay, but personally I think throwing you over my shoulder would be more fun. And did you call me Nicky?"

"Yes, and no I'm not going to stop. That is what you will be known as from this point on."

"Well, It could be worse." We entered the classroom and found two seats in the middle. I started to notice the cold looks from the girls as I sat down. I realized that they were jealous because I was sitting with Nicky. I looked over at him. His short black hair was a mess on his head, while his defined muscles showed through his shirt. I noticed the start of a tribal tattoo peak out from the collar of his shirt above his chest, not to mention the tattoos on his arms. His blue eyes caught my brown ones, and he smiled a knee-weakining smile. How did I not notice his dimples before?

"Alright class. Let's get started on today's lesson." Mr. Jackson began rambling on as I tried to stay awake.


Finally the bell rang and we all leapt out of our seats and ran out the door.

"He was boring as shit." Nicky grumbled. We had just finished English, which was our last class of the day. I was about to respond, when my high school nightmare appeared. Got to love the queen bee, Michelle, and her slutty minions.

"Hey there gorgeous! Here's my number if you want to meet up. You should walk with us, not talking with this fucking mute bitch." My smile faltered at that. I had gotten used to the incessant name calling, but that hurt knowing that she was hurting me to get Nicky to be with her. I looked to him wondering what his choice would be.

"Thanks, but I don't need your number and I don't want to walk with someone who is putting someone down. I don't talk to people who hurt others for their enjoyment. Bye." He put his arm around me and we walked away.

"W-why didn't you go with them? They are popular and I'm social suicide. You don't-"

"Did you hear what I said? I don't care about being popular. She was being fucking rude."

"But you haven't known me that long."

"I don't need to know someone too long to know that they are going to be a great g- friend."

"Oh. Thanks."

"No problem. Let's walk home. After all, I do live next door to you." We grabbed our stuff from our lockers and headed out. While walking back, I realized that if my father saw me with him, he would go berserk and beat my ass to a pulp. He told me that I wasn't allowed to have any guy friends. So naturally, I avoided making friends. The only friend I had made was my best friend Sarah. Sarah was an outsider like me, except that she was an outsider because of her goth look. I personally liked it on her. I immediately pulled out of my thoughts when we turned on to my street.

"Well, thanks for walking me home. See you tomorrow!" I dashed off to my house, and closed the door behind me leaving a stunned Nicky behind.

CRASH!!!! Shit,my dad sounded like he was mad.

"BITCH, GET YOUR LAZY ASS IN HERE!!!" He was screaming. I started to shake, knowing what was going to happen.

"Yes, sir." I put my backpack on the stairs and walked over to the kitchen.


"I-I'm s-so sorry, s-sir. What would you like for dinner instead?" He lunged at me and grabbed my neck, pulling me closer to him.

"I DON'T WANT ANY DINNER MADE BY YOU! I'M GOING OUT INSTEAD!" He spit in my face and threw me against the wall. I felt my head smack the wall, and then I collapsed on the ground. The last image that I saw was my father kicking my stomach until I closed my eyes letting the darkness envelop me in its painless grasp.

Author's Note!!!!

Hey guys! Please Comment and Vote! What do you think so far? I'm super excited to write this book. I've got some great ideas for it. Maybe give me a follow? Thanks for reading!


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