Chapter 7: Patience, My Young Padawan

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Cass's dress^

We pulled up to a restaurant, but not just any restaurant. It was one of those super fancy sushi places!

"How did you know that I liked sushi?"

"A little birdie, known as Sarah." With that he got out of the car and opened my door for me.  We walked inside and was met by a waiter.

"Reservation for Nicholas Fenton."

"Right this way, Sir." We quickly followed the young lady. 

"What can I get you two to drink?"

"I'll have root beer. Cass?"

"Strawberry Lemonade, please." 

"They will be out in a minute." She walked away, leaving Nicky and I alone.

"Cass, breathe. Don't be so nervous. It's just me." I looked at his blue eyes and calmed down instantly. I was so nervous. What do I say? What do I do? Thankfully, he started first.

"Let's play twenty questions."


"Favorite color?" That one's easy.

"Turquoise. Yours?"


"My turn. What college do you want to go to?"

"Pacific University. You?"

"I was thinking Pacific as well. I would like to be a physical therapist and an athletic trainer."

"That's great! I want to be a personal trainer and teach MMA."

"You fight?"

"A little. I love the sport. Any sports that you like?"

"I used to play softball until my dad pulled me out."

"Oh um-" 

"Here are your drinks!" She set down our drinks. I noticed that as she did that, she put her fake boobs in his face. Nicky started to talk before I could smack her.

"Excuse me, I am on a date with MY girl. Can I get a waiter who will respect that?" She huffed and walked away.

"Are you jealous, Cass?" My cheeks burned, but I couldn't stop thinking about how he called me his girl. Soon we ordered our food and ate it while learning more about each other. Nicky took me to his car, and we were on our way again. 

"Where are we going?"

"Patience, my young Padawan." Nicky chuckled.

"Yes, Master Jedi." We pulled up to the lake. I stepped out of the car. I knew this lake. My mom used to take me here, and we would swim. We also would go kayaking with my dad here. I remember when my mom and I tipped over my dad and brother's kayaks. I giggled at the thought, but a tear escaped as I remembered when we were a happy family. 


"Sorry Nicky. This lake holds a lot of memories."

"I didn't know. We can leave."

"No. It holds good ones. Come on, I want to show you something!" Reaching for his hand, we started running in the direction of my favorite spot. It was still there! There was a big tree by the side of the lake, blocking my secret place from the pubic. We stepped behind it. There was a small bench by an abandoned fire pit. It was right next to the lake's edge. Dropping Nicky's hand, I sat down on the bench. Motioning for him to sit down, a smile appeared on my face. A real one, not the fake one that I had learned to plaster on. He sat next to me.

"I had no idea that this place existed."

"Yeah, my brother and I would hide here all the time. We felt it was our secret place. I've never shared this place with anybody except my brother."

Nicky's POV

"Yeah, my brother and I would hide here all the time. We felt it was our secret place. I've never shared this place with anybody except my brother." Her confession made me feel like she trusted me. I turned towards her. She was unlike any girl that I had ever been with. I admit I had been a bit of a player the last couple years, but this girl had me wrapped around her finger. She looked at me with a light blush on her cheeks. My hand lifted on its own accord and cupped her cheek. I lightly brushed my thumb over her plump, pink lips. 

"Your beautiful, you know that, right?" 

"I-I never thought of myself that way after everything my dad and Michelle have told me." The thought of people calling her names and making her feel less than perfect made me angry.

"Don't listen to them. They don't matter. You are gorgeous."

"Your not so bad yourself." She whispered. She automatically blushed as soon as the words left her mouth.

My breath caught in my throat when she leaned into my hand that was cupping her cheek. Her big, brown eyes peaked up at me from under her long eyelashes. I leaned in, slowly closing the gap between us. Her eyes fluttered closed as I neared. I felt her minty breath as she exhaled slowly. I closed the space between us and connected our lips. She immediately reacted.

Quickly, I pulled her onto my lap so that she was straddling me. I licked her bottom lip and groaned when she denied me access. I let my hands travel to her butt and squeezed gently. She gasped, and I quickly pushed my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance, but in the end I won. I felt like I was on fire, there were so many sparks that ignited while we kissed. We soon broke apart, our foreheads still touching as we caught our breath.


"That was amazing." She breathed out. She shivered, so I wrapped my arms around her. She immediately leaned into me. I started singing Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran. After a few minutes, I looked down at her. She was fast asleep. When I tried to move, she would hold on to me tightly as if she was afraid that I would leave and never come back. I picked her up and carried her to the passenger seat of my car. I quietly buckled her in, then drove us home. When we got home, she was still fast asleep. I carried her to my bed and took her shoes off. I then texted Sarah to let her know that Cass was okay.

I'm fairly sure that if I hadn't texted her, she would've castrated me. After turning the lights out, I climbed into bed with Cass. Wrapping my arm around her waist, she snuggled deeper into my chest. I placed a kiss on her head, whispering two promises that I would always keep.

"I will never hurt you, and I will always protect you."

How did I do on the kiss scene? Was it okay? I haven't written one before, so please tell me what you think! Please vote! I love hearing what you guys think! Until next time!

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