Chapter 10: Numb

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Hey guys there is a time jump in this chapter! The song is called Breathe Me by Sia! Lucky, lucky! You get two updates this week!

Cass's POV

Today, we are graduating from high school. I survived. Nicky and I applied to Pacific University, and we were accepted! I cannot wait for next year. We had been dating for a couple months now. We're still going strong.

"Come on! We're going to be late! Why do girls take forever to get dressed?" Maybe if I throw my shoe at my brother, he might shut up. 

"Hey! What was that for?" My shoe smacked him in the back of the head as he was walking out of my bedroom. 

"For being a douche. A girl needs time to look good, dumbass!"

"Just hurry up!" My other shoe was flung at his groin.

"Fucking shit!" 

"Get out!"

"I. Can't. Move." 

"Too bad. Get your ass out of my bedroom." He practically crawled out of my bedroom. My door hit his ass on the way out. Turning around, I put the finishing touches on my make-up and hair. Slipping on my converse, I walked out. I mean, if I'm going to be at some ceremony for who knows how long, I might as well be comfortable. 

"Jason, I'm ready."

"About time."

"Bite me." We had made our way to the my brother's 2014 Mustang, and were now pulling into the school's parking lot. 


"Yup!" We walked into the main auditorium and waited for each of our names to be called. When handed my diploma, my wonderful boyfriend shouted.

"THAT'S MY SHORTY!!!" My cheeks turned bright red from embarrassment. That man will be the death of me. While everyone was enjoying the food and drinks, I leaned over to my brother. 

"Psst. I gotta go. I'm meeting Sarah! She and I are going to celebrate, but don't worry. I'll be back before eight."

"Fine. Call me if you need anything, and text me when you are on your way home. Got it?"

"Okay." Yes! Sarah and I are going to clean out Voodoo Donuts. I walked out, leaving everyone back in at the auditorium. Heading towards the door, I remembered that I needed to grab my water bottle from the football stadium. I left it there after the last P.E. class the other day. I headed to the stadium. 

As I grabbed my water bottle from the one of the seats, I felt a cold, icy fingers wrap themselves around my neck.

"You thought I forgot about you, huh?" Fear and panic gripped my heart. No. No. No, this can't be happening. I struggled against his hold. While I was thrashing about, he had covered my mouth, dragging me under the bleachers. 

"Shut up, bitch." My father pulled a gun out and pointed it at me after he dropped my body against the bleachers. I looked at his eyes. They were cold. I could tell that he was high. He was jumpy and his eyes were glassy. His speech was slurred, and he reeked of alcohol. 

"H-how? W-why?" 


"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I felt the cold steel of the gun hit my face. Blood was coming from my mouth. He grabbed my hair slamming my head against the stone under the bleachers. I couldn't make myself move. My body felt heavy and my head hurt so much. He continued to beat me. I think he may have broken my arm at one point. I curled into the fetal position, covering my head, hoping that in some way I could protect myself.

He reached down and started groping my breasts and touching my butt. I felt dirty. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't scream. I couldn't cry. I was in so much pain, that I felt paralyzed. He got up and unzipped his pants. I couldn't look. I closed my eyes, hoping that somehow it might prevent what was happening next. His icy hands traveled over my body again, this time ripping my clothes off in the process. 

"If you fucking scream or try to run, I will fucking shoot you. Got it, slut?" I just nodded my head. I couldn't run if I tried. My  body was bleeding and bruising from the scratching and hitting.  

He took me. 

I can't believe that my father took my virginity. My future husband wouldn't be my first. I felt dirty. I felt that I had betrayed Nicky. How could I have let this happen?


I don't know when, but sometime later he left. Leaving my broken body and mind behind, he just walked away. He finally broke me. I layed there, unmoving. Faintly, my phone rang. it was in the trash. My so called father threw it in there before he took me. I willed myself to get up, I tried. Failing miserably, my broken body fell to the ground. My aching legs and arms were screaming at me to not move. I felt sore. 

Once again, the comforting presence of the dark reached its arms towards me. I accepted the peaceful embrace as I closed my eyes escaping the numbing pain.

Nicky's POV 

"Hey man, where is Cass?" I hadn't seen her since she got her diploma up on the stage. She left the party.

"Oh she went with Sarah to celebrate. Probably going to raid some candy or donut store." Jason replied.

"That makes sense. Those two can never get enough chocolate, can they?" I chuckled. Of course that's what they would do.

Okay, we were both getting worried. It was eight thirty and Cass wasn't home. Jason decided to call Sarah.

"Hey Sarah! Where is Cass?...What?! I thought she went with you?.....No.....Shit....Okay...We can't call the cops, she hasn't been missing long enough...Thanks Sarah...Yes, I will call you when we find her.....Bye Sarah," He turned to me with a grim expression on his face, "She never met Sarah. She's fucking missing! I am fucking failure of a brother. I let her get abused by our father and now I let her go missing. She could be fucking anywhere!"  

"We could check the school, since it was the last place either of us saw her." 

"Sounds good. I'll text Sarah to meet us there." Five minutes later we pulled into the school parking lot. Sarah came running towards us with panic flashing in her eyes.

"Guys! You need to come quick! I already called the cops and an ambulance! Hurry!" She took off towards the stadium. The cold night air made me shiver. It was now nine p.m. All the worst possible case scenarios that flooded my mind were nothing compared to what I saw.

There she was. Laying in the dirt behind the bleachers. Ripped clothes. Bloody and bruised. My heart stopped.

I promised her that I wouldn't let anyone hurt her again, and here she was hurt. 

"Shorty, I'm so sorry." I whispered as I held her cold, pale body against me.

Wow. That was super hard to write. Poor Cass. I hope that Cass will be okay. Please comment and vote! Love you guys!


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