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Six Months Later

We had our wedding last month, and it was absolutely perfect. My brother walked me down the aisle and told me that Nicky shed a few tears when he saw me. It was the best day of my life.

Aaaaand here I was puking in the toilet for the fiftieth time. 

Good times. 

I thought back to our honeymoon and realized that we hadn't used any protection. I grabbed my phone to call Sarah. 

"This is the go fuck off hotline. Please tell me how you would like me to piss you off today. We aim to please!"

"Knock it off, Sarah! I have a serious situation!"

"Did Nicky do something? I will find a body bag and-"

"Yes, Nicky did me!"

"So what's the problem? Was he not any good?"

"SARAH! He was amazing if you have to know. Anyway, on our honeymoon we didn't use any protection, and I missed my period! I have been throwing up nonstop, and I want donuts with bacon and pickles!"

"Oh Shit! Are you pregnant? Am I going to be an Aunt?"

"I don't fucking know! That's why I called you! I need you to bring me fucking pregnancy tests!"

"Okay! Okay! I will be there in 10 minutes!" I paced the room feeling nervous as hell. Am I really ready to raise a person when I don't even act like an adult half the time? Damn it! Is there a parenting manual on how to deal with every single situation? Sarah got here in ten minutes like she promised.

"Okay, I got three different ones! Here." She practically threw them at me, and then ushered me into the bathroom. After taking them, I just waited. I was pacing the room again with Sarah trying to calm me down.

"Um Cass? It's time." I walked in and peaked at the tests. 




Shit. (Yes, I did pick up on Nicky's potty mouth.)

I'm fucking pregnant. All three were positive. 



"They're fucking positive. They're all fucking positive." I tend to curse like a sailor when I'm nervous.

"I'm going to be an Aunt!!!!! How are you going to tell Nicky?"

"I-I don't fucking know. We haven't really talked about having damn kids. What if he doesn't want it?" My head stung when Sarah's hand made contact with it.

"Are you shitting me? Nicky will be ecstatic. I'm going to go so you can get ready to tell him. Call me when you do, okay?" She hugged me while I nodded okay.

Here it was a few hours later. Nicky usually comes home from work around 5:00. I have three minutes. I've been binge watching Agents of Shield on Netflix while stuffing popcorn in my face.

"Hey babe! I'm home!" Nicky came in and kissed me on the head like he usually does.

"Hey! How was work?"

"Same old shit. Greedy people trying to make us pay for products ten times more than their worth."

"Hehe." I faked laughed. I was so fucking nervous.

"Babygirl? You okay?" He had picked up on my uneasiness.

"Actually, I need to talk to you." His face paled.

"Whatever you think I did, I'm sure it wasn't on purpose, and I'm sorry." I giggled at his unnecessary apology.

"No babe. I-um-uh-er-well...."  I grabbed the pregnancy test and threw it at him. He easily caught it. I studied his face to watch his reaction.

"Shorty, is this for real?"

"Y-yes. I know we didn't exactly plan for this, but I-"

"I'M GOING TO HAVE A CHILD! I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!!!" He screamed, while picking me up and spinning me around.

"Nicky, I don't know if I can do this. What if I'm a bad mother?"

"Cass, you will be a great mother. It's me you should worry about. I might give in to our child way to often." I giggled at his response.

"Alright, I should go make the doctor's appointment and call Sarah." 

20 weeks later

"Nicky!!!!!!! It's time for the appointment!!!!"

"Coming!" He bounded down the stairs, then helped me into the car. 

We headed into the doctor's office and into a room that the nurse pointed us to.

"Hell, Cass! How are you doing?" 

"Just fine doctor!" She squirted some of the cold gel onto my belly, and began the ultrasound.

"Do you want to know the gender of your baby?" We nodded our heads immediately.

"Congratulations! It's a boy!" I looked at the picture to confirm what she had said. 

"We're having a boy, Shorty!" He looked thrilled, maybe we can name the boy Nicky Jr.

"A mini Nicky!" He nodded his head.

After cleaning me up, the doctor printed our pictures and we were on our way.

This little boy inside me is the start of a new chapter in our lives.


Here it is! The epilogue. I'm going to mark this book as completed, BUT I WILL OCCASIONALLY ADD BONUS CHAPTERS TO FOLLOW UP ON NICKY AND CASS'S ADVENTURES WITH THEIR CHILD(REN). Please vote and comment! Love you guys!


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