Chapter 12: Haunting Me

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Two Days Later

"Cassandra, you are free to go. We just need you to sign these papers before you go, okay?"

"Okay, thanks." My left arm was currently in a cast, the bruises were healing, and the gashes on my head and ribs were healing. Apparently, I'm not allowed to do any strenuous activity, and any other activity I have to be extremely careful. Well, we all know that listening to doctors is overrated, right?

"Hey, you ready?" 

"Yep. Can't wait to get out of this stuffy hospital." My brother was taking two weeks off of work to help me. Sarah kept calling me and making sure that I was okay. I mean she calls and texts every two minutes. Speak of the devil. Pink's So What started to play, it was Sarah's ring tone.

Na na na na na na na, I wanna start a fight

Na na na na na na na, I wanna start a fight

So, so what?

I'm still a rock star

I got my rock moves

And I don't need you

And guess what

I'm having more fun

And now that we're done

I'm gonna show you tonight

I'm alright, I'm just fine


"Hey, heading home today?"


"So, ready for college? It starts next month!"

"As ready as I can be. It feels like we just got out of jail and now we're being locked up again!"

"I know. I know, but there will be lots of hot guys."

"For you. I already have a hot guy for myself."

"Don't need to rub it in. See ya tomorrow. Love ya girlie."

"Love ya too Sarah." Ending the call, I turned around to see Nicky standing there. I hope he didn't hear-

"So I'm hot, huh?" He smirked. My cheeks turned bright red.

"Yeah, hot, sweaty, and stinky. Where have you been? The dump?"

"Haha. No. I was working in the mechanic shop."

"Close enough." Grabbing my bag, I headed out the door with Nicky on my heels. I hadn't told him what happened yet. The police came and I talked to them, but how could I tell him that my father took that from me? Anyway, the police found the recording the security cameras at the school. They are currently putting out a warrant for my dad's arrest.

"Jason, we going?"

"Yeah, you just need to sign these two papers." Grabbing the pen, I scribbled my signature and quickly walked out the door. 

"Cass, what did I do?" Nicky looked at me with worry.

"Nothing, just tired," I turned to Jason, "Can we go?" 

"Yeah. See you around, Nick." 

"See ya," He looked at me, " Bye, Cass." He moved in for a hug, and I flinched on instinct. Guilt crashed through me when I saw the hurt in his eyes. Sitting in the passenger seat, I stared out the window. If I tell him, will he leave me? We finally pulled up to our house. I grabbed my small bag and raced to my bedroom. 

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