連絡 ; message.

32K 2.5K 1.6K

unknown: you're kim michi right?

unknown: my name is jeongguk

unknown: i'm the dead boy.

michi: so there's wifi in hell

unknown: ha i wish

unknown: also i'm not in hell

unknown: or heaven

unknown: kind of right in between, if that makes sense

michi: hm.

michi: i'm gonna to go to the beach now

unknown: wait you're not like freaked out? a ghost is texting you right now

michi: i'm aware

unknown: you're strange

michi: i am also aware

unknown: why are you going to the beach

michi: for exams

unknown: so you're gonna study there?

michi: no

michi: it doesn't matter what i'm gonna do

michi: don't text me anymore

michi: stay dead

michi: dead boy.

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