連絡 ; message.

16.7K 1.4K 243

dead boy: michi

michi: what do you want, i'm in class

dead boy: sorry

dead boy: after school, can we actually um meet up again?

michi: why

dead boy: because i wanna see you again

dead boy: i miss you

michi: you just talked to me like 3 hours ago

michi: don't be clingy

dead boy: i just

dead boy: now that we're boyfriend and girlfriend

dead boy: i just feel so bored without you

michi: jeongguk

michi: what do you actually want

dead boy: nothing

dead boy: just wanted to talk to you again

dead boy: i love you a lot

michi: shut up.

michi: ur so so cringy pls stfu

dead boy: you're making me sad okay


dead boy: your choice to reply

michi: if i wouldn't have replied you'd be mad

michi: i can never win with you

michi: im turning off my phone

michi: i swear i'll call you alright?

michi: don't text me anymore today.


clingy jk i hatE (just a filler chap!!)

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