連絡 ; message.

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dead boy: you okay?

dead boy: this isn't who i am

dead boy: i'm not mean, i don't like being angry

dead boy: i'm sorry, kimchi

dead boy: just....sighs don't lie to me anymore okay? promise me you won't.

dead boy: and i'm honestly really glad you're okay, i was so so so worried you have no idea. you're the only human friend i have, i can't lose you.

dead boy: you're the only one i have.

dead boy: i don't know if you're in pain from any injuries you may have had from your attempt

dead boy: but i know you'll be okay. my brave, strong girl, i know you'll be okay.

dead boy: please don't hate me

dead boy: alive girl.

michi: i don't hate you, dead boy

michi: and i'm sorry.

michi: for being terrible.

dead boy: you aren't terrible

dead boy: i'd choose you over sailor moon any day

michi: yeah?

dead boy: yeah.

michi: liar.

dead boy: nahhh, not lying

michi: promise you won't lie to me about anything too

dead boy: okay. i promise.

michi: i promise too

dead boy: you should sleep now.

michi: ok

dead boy: goodnight

dead boy: i love you.
message is unable to send.

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