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it was friday.

she almost hadn't awakened. had spent most of her night after school fighting with her mother about nonsense as always. she couldn't stop her mother's addiction to heroine, but sometimes she tried.

and those were the times that ultimately split them apart more. her mother never liked to talk about her addiction, she didn't like bringing it up. but it was always worth a shot. to try and get her to stop.

never worked, anyways.

her exams were today and she couldn't recall studying as hard as she'd planned to. clearing out her head on the beach only resulted in drowsiness and unsteady focus the very next day.

but at this point, michi didn't really care. she was tired and miserable and honestly, she wished she was the one who was dead.

as if on cue, her phone vibrated in her sweatshirt pocket. she almost didn't look to see who was texting (or calling), but something told her to check anyway.

him again. the dead boy. she thought this was a new habit of his; texting her at the times where she was either going to school or in school. she wanted to be annoyed by it, had already rolled her eyes and scoffed.

but her hard facial expression softened, and any annoyed bone in her body had left her as she read over the message:

dead boy: have a good day

dead boy: alive girl.

she could feel her stomach doing flips all of a sudden and she was startled by that. could feel her face starting to heat up as a blush began to form on to her cheeks.

fuck, she thought to herself. fuck, what is this?

michi looked around her, made sure no one could see the sight. she had never blushed at anything before, and wasn't sure why she was blushing at a message as simple as that one.

she read it over five times.

before responding with:

michi: whatever

michi: dead boy.

it was the first time she'd smiled in a long time.

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