連絡 ; message.

17.7K 1.7K 689

michi: jeongguk

michi: i–

michi: no.

dead boy: but why not

michi: because you're friggin dead im so

dead boy: so, lmao

michi: i can't

michi: that's weird, that's really weird

michi: how is it gonna look if i tell people that i'm dating a fucking ghost

dead boy: they don't have to know, kimchi

michi: no

michi: no no no no no no no

michi: i know you like me but

dead boy: i love you, michi.

michi: no you don't, you don't so stop saying that okay

michi: you're just confused

michi: i won't date you, jeongguk. never.

dead boy: "never" okay.

michi: i

michi: i'm sorry.

michi: i just can't

michi: it's weird enough that we're friends

dead boy: oh

michi: no, come on, i didn't mean it like that

michi: jeongguk

dead boy: please be my girlfriend

michi: don't beg me

michi: just don't

dead boy: ive never been in a relationship before yanno

dead boy: i just wanna feel something

dead boy: i just wanna feel loved and be in love

michi: but you're not in love with me

dead boy: whatever you say.

michi: believe me, you're not

michi: okay?

dead boy: okay.

michi: you can call me now before i go to sleep

dead boy: no thanks

michi: don't be bitter

dead boy: be my girlfriend.

michi: im gonna block you stop it

dead boy: be

dead boy: my

michi: jeongguk

dead boy: girlfriend.

michi: N O

dead boy: okay

dead boy: goodnight.

michi: no call?

michi: jeongguk come on

michi: don't be this way

michi: sighs

michi: ur so difficult

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