a note long overdue.

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hello everyone.

if you're taking the time to read this, i very much appreciate it. although new readers may not notice, old readers probably will notice this small, secret thing i am doing with this book, and that is editing some things here and there. there are some things written in this book that either make absolutely no sense ( + plot holes) or just sound . . . very weird.

i let these things slide for so long but as i reread and continuously reread this book, the more these things get under my skin. this book is so horribly written, to me, but seeing everyone else still support it is the only thing keeping me from taking it down. and i'll continue to have it up on my account as a way to show immense growth and elevation in my writing from before up until now and so on.

this is all i wanted to say. this book has many chapters (and like an dummy, i didn't number these chapters as i was trying to be "fancy" back then . . . sigh . . . as a result i often find myself clicking the same chapter by mistake or missing a chapter thinking i already looked at it) so it is going to take me awhile to edit out the small things that bother me but i will complete it with time.

thank you all for being so patient with me and continuing to support this book and me as an author. i appreciate every single one of you so so much. to still have so much support over this book is mind-boggling to me as, again, i think this book is horrible, but i am so eternally grateful.

this book has so many things wrong with it, big things that would take forever to correct, so i am only fixing small things. nevertheless, it's nice that you all keep reading regardless.

thanks so much again.

- amber

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