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michi: no

dead boy: what?

michi: i–

michi: no no don't do that

dead boy: why not

michi: because that's

michi: what if i'm the only one who can see you

michi: you are a ghost yanno

michi: people will think i'm crazy

dead boy: everyone's a little crazy

dead boy: everyone talks to themselves from time to time

michi: no

michi: i don't wanna see you

michi: i don't want you to see me

dead boy: why

michi: i'm ugly

dead boy: no you're not

michi: how would you know you've never seen me

dead boy: i just know

dead boy: advantages of being a ghost

dead boy: is that i can peer into your world as much as i want

dead boy: and i've seen you

dead boy: watched you on the beach

dead boy: and i must say

dead boy: you are beautiful, kim michi. absolutely fucking beautiful.

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