連絡 ; message.

21.9K 2.1K 1K

michi: i said i was sorry

michi: no need to ignore me for half the day

michi: it's nighttime now you know, almost midnight

michi: i didn't mean it what more do you fucking want from me

michi: and you say im difficult

michi: i don't see why it affects you so much what's done is done

michi: you should've thought about it before you actually went through with it dipshit

michi: wait i'm sorry again

michi: i didn't mean that either

michi: i have a doctors appointment tomorrow

dead boy: yeah?

michi: yes.

michi: it's a physical

michi: but i don't like shots

michi: i'm afraid of needles

michi: my mom never seems to care

dead boy: what do you mean by that

michi: nothing nothing

michi: still mad??

dead boy: tell me a joke kim michi

michi: don't you mean abnormal kimchi?

dead boy: you told me not to call you that

michi: right, you're right

michi: i'm not good at jokes

michi: you even pointed out my lame sense of humor so

dead boy: hm.

michi: why do you wanna hear a joke anyway?

michi: will that make you feel better or something?

dead boy: forget it

dead boy: you don't catch on to signs very well

dead boy: you'll always be difficult

dead boy: and you'll always be cold

dead boy: and its people like you that made me miserable

dead boy: it's people like you who made me kill myself

dead boy: i don't accept your apologies
read 23:46pm


i love angst :)

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