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AN: I mean no offense to anyone in writing this... You'll understand after you read. Trust me when I say any offensive words/phrases are vital to the plot.


It had been three weeks. Three weeks since I'd gained a new friend, three weeks since Liz had picked on me last, and death had it been three weeks of complete and utter normalcy. My free time was spent talking to Nathan and Ev lightheartedly about whatever came to mind, our conversations playful as we grew closer as friends. The rest of my time was spent taking on missions with Ev and collecting as many souls as I could, Sadie always declining our invitations to come as she had 'better things to do'.

Like her boyfriend, Soul.

I couldn't bring myself to care, however, because life was finally starting to go my way--life finally felt good. As of late, a smile seemed to eternally strain my lips as the soft touch of happiness soaked into my bones, a pair of sylvan green eyes becoming my place of comfort as opposed to bitter gold ones that only held heartache. I sighed to myself in contentment--I felt like I was walking on water.

Unfortunately--upon stepping into the hell-palace known as the DWMA--my aspirations for continued peace of mind were shattered. I was once again reminded that everything is ephemeral, including happiness. Just like a rug being swept out from under me, I was forced to realize that was too good to be my life, the hushed whispers of my peers only fueling my thoughts of what was to come.

"Is that her?"

"Yeah, it is. She's so fucking ugly, bro. Who would go after that?"

"The girl beside her isn't too bad, the one with the blue streaks. I'd bang her."

"You're a pig!"

"Shut up, it's not like you disagree."

"Got me there. Too bad her meister is such a loser. Makes her go from a fuckable 7 to an eyesore of a 3."

"What's going on?" Evelyn whispered to me, pointing out the abnormally silent popular crowd. They made no move to ridicule us like the rest of the school had begun doing, but instead glared daggers at us--well, more like at me. "Did you do something?"

"Obviously," I mumbled back, fear racking my body. Whatever courage I had possessed a few weeks ago dissipated, leaving me feeling fragile and defenseless. The walls I had spent years building up were crumbling agonizingly slowly with every whisper and jeer I heard throughout the hall, the feelings I had purged from my system years ago now reappearing and seemingly clogging my throat. I wanted to drop to my knees out of asphyxiation.

'Why, why now?' my mind pondered, leaving me vexed to no end. My e/c eyes wandered the faceless crowd as I continued listening to their vehement criticism, eventually falling on something that seemed to be burning holes in the side of my head--or rather, on someone.

Piercing golden eyes were locked on my shaking figure, anger flickering and burning within them, contrasting with the seemingly placid color. They almost resembled molten lava, the heat of the magma licking around his pupil as if trying to usurp the small black territory fruitlessly. The passionate look in his eyes scared me to no end, but I couldn't help but fear the feelings that lay hidden underneath such burning anger even more. I groaned.

'Ugh, why don't you take your sexy golden eyes elsewhere. I've got 99 problems and bitch, don't become one of them,' I grumbled to myself.

"F/n L/n," an irascible voice boomed. I froze momentarily, only looking up into Liz's deep azure eyes upon realizing that I was simply postponing the inevitable. In short, I was fucked beyond human comprehension.

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now