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//So hyped to write this chapter. I'm so glad to be back!


'How did this happen?' I asked myself as I absentmindedly fiddled with my clear coffee cup, the French Vanilla Mocha hastily swirling around inside of it. A warm hand enclosed around mine prevented me from furthering my actions, my e/c eyes peering up to meet golden ones. My stomach churned.

'Scratch that, why did this happen?' The ravenette across from me choked out an awkward cough, his hands fleeing from mine to go back to being neatly folded on top of his lap. He swung his head to the side to shield the small blush that lit up his unearthly pale face, my eyes wandering along his oh-so-sharp jawline.

What? Don't judge; he may be an ass, but he's certainly a hot one.

When he finally turned back to face me, I couldn't help the small sigh of contentment that escaped my lips as my eyes roamed his perfectly chiseled face. He's just too pretty. His unkempt hair somehow managed to still look tantalizing, the inky black locks dripping in front of his pallid face. His lustrous golden eyes wandered around the room, surveying those who sat around us and occasionally me as well. A nice black button-down and jeans adorned his frame, the people encompassing us not hesitating to eye him up.

As you could probably guess; across from me sat the one-and-only Death the Kid consequent to his demand to spend the rest of the day with him. God knows why he would waste a day with me, for that matter, but he most likely wanted to get this dare over with so he didn't have to see me ever again.

Even so, I was ready. This was only the beginning, the mere catalyst, of what was to come. I wasn't about to let him play my heart like he oh-so-wanted to; I about to show him that everyone has a tragedy waiting for them at their doorstep and it was about time his came around to bite him in the ass.

Until that day comes, I'll admire his pretty face while awkwardly sitting through these 'dates' that we shared. No shame in it considering we're not tightly knit friends anymore; for Death's sake, we're basically complete and total strangers to each other! His once pudgy cheeks faded into sharp cheekbones that you could practically cut yourself on, his jawline becoming more defined as well. He exchanged his short and slender 13-year-old figure for a taller and more built one, him now towering over all of the girls in the academy as they drooled at the sight of his body through his closely-fitted button-downs.

Kid cleared his throat, my eyes widening as I realized that I had been staring at him with an empty and dazed look. I rushed my coffee cup up to my lips, the liquid sliding down my throat as I felt a familiar buzz flutter through my body. No, not the buzz of alcohol, but of caffeine. The lukewarm brown drink seemed to calm my nerves, a sudden wave of confidence falling over me.

"So, why are we out on a cliché coffee date?" I asked, breaking the unbearable silence that spiraled through the air between us. Kid looked up from his coffee cup with a look that could only be described as unadulterated innocence, a rosy blush washing over his cheeks again before quickly fading. He traded his blush for a smirk.

I paused to admire the irony in that simple moment; the way the redness that spread across his colorless cheeks faded so abruptly to be replaced with a sinister tug at the lips. It was so symbolic, it resembling his transformation as a person without him even realizing it. It was like how he traded his innocence for mischief and lust along with our friendship for popularity. And even one unknown to me, his happiness for the standards of society.

"Who said this was a date?" He asked casually, his head resting in his palm of his hand as his hair lazily fell into his eyes. His smirk inched up further onto his pristine face, him displaying his pearly white teeth for the world to see. Many girls and a few boys sighed throughout the coffee shop, looking love-struck at the sight of the attractive boy that I was somehow 'lucky' enough to go on a date with; though I found my situation to be quite the opposite of "lucky."

"Sorry for my 'absurd' assumption, it's not every day that the Death the Kid comes and asks you to spend the day with him," I spat back casually, leaning abaft in my chair and taking another sip of my mocha. "So, Mr. Smartass, if this isn't a date, then what is it?" His eyes widened a fraction in befuddlement at my crude way of speaking back to him, a small smirk etching itself onto my face as I absentmindedly pulled out my phone.

My lock screen was coated with messages collectively from Soul, Evelyn, and Nathan, my smirk forming into a small smile. It may not be much, but the few messages I had received made me feel happy. The weight depression gradually dropped onto my shoulders lightened somewhat at the thought of people caring for me, it being replaced with shock as Kid swiped my phone out of my small hands.

"Mr. Smartass, huh? Cute nickname," He paused, turning my phone back on again to swipe through the few notifications my phone displayed. "But you may want to consider being nicer to people who want to potentially be friends with you. Maybe then you'd have more than five notifications." He mocked before tucking my phone away in his pocket, my eyes falling to my lap as I fiddled with my fingers uncomfortably. My glistening h/c locks slipped into my eyes to cover my distressed expression, the weight of depression slamming back down on me at full force.

Use this to your advantage. The voice whispered to me. Hurt him where it counts.

A plan cooked up inside my brain, a small smirk being repressed as I tried to maintain a look of complete brokenness. looked up from my lap with small tears in the corners of my eyes--fake ones, obviously. I would never have the indecency to actually cry in public-- as I stared into his sadly.

It wasn't a hard look to pull off, depression was definitely taking its course as dark thoughts continued to consume my brain. While everyone has different forms of depression, mine turned out to be a slow burn. A slow downfall. A slow-release into a pit of never-ending blackness.

It feels like the Earth's ozone layer is slowly deteriorating. The sweet touch of fresh air is stolen from my lungs agonizingly slowly, the UV rays of the sun killing every living plant and animal before all the oxygen has finally been pilfered, the world finally coming to a close. My world subsequently waning. I wasn't yet at my last gasp of breath, but I could definitely feel myself struggling. Struggling to put up a fight. Struggling to live.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't- I, ah, F/n-," Kid stumbled, him eventually giving up and gripping my hands firmly across the table. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just... got a bit upset."

"Upset?" I dried the fraudulent tears from my eyes, a frown curved on my pale pink lips. "What do you have to be upset about, Mr. Perfect?"

"I don't have you," He whispered sadly, him dropping his head onto our connected hands. "And, oh god, how badly I wish to."


A/n: Hello, everyone! Sorry for the late update, power outages are complete bitches. I hope you liked this new chapter, much angst for all of ya!

Anyway, QOTD: What would you like to see happen in upcoming chapters? (I may take some into consideration and I'll dedicate the chapter to you if I do!)

Hope you have a lovely day and I hope I'm back to writing another update tomorrow!

Btw: Thanks for 1.3k!!!

Bye, y'all!

Goal: 22 reads, 5 votes, 8 comments (8 for Kid considering he's sad that he can't have you! :( )

~Christy <3

~Christy <3

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