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A/N: Hey guys, I'm going to try and update 2-3 times a week from now on if not more!

(7/19/20): Yeah sorry about the blatant lie above... Shit is getting edited now lmfao.


For the rest of the night, Kid's gaze lingered on me uncomfortably. I tried distracting myself using the wonderfully horrifying internet, but the intensity of his gaze broke my focus every time. I took part in a few of the discussions the populars had as well, my comments always snarky and sarcastic with a bored look displayed on my face.

Not like I can help it; I feel like I've been gutted of my emotions tonight, give me a break.

Evelyn had a worried gaze locked on me throughout the night as well, a lovely addition to the indescribably intense and awkward stare that I was already receiving from Kid. I could tell that she had picked up on the subtle change in my personality; she could tell that my depression was consuming me all over again. I had ignored her constant attempts at talking to me though, whether it be a prodding from across the room or her spamming my phone with the question, 'are you okay?'

My unanswered response being, No, I'm not.

As the night ended and everyone said their goodbyes, Soul was the first person out of the door with me in tow. The night air nipped at my s/c skin, my cheeks turning a rosy shade of red as Soul's grip never loosened on my poor, aching wrist.

You're pathetic. The once judicious voice whispered to me, it now overridden with the depression that slowly hacked my systems like a petulant virus.

"What was going on with you back there?" Soul asked harshly, breaking the uncomfortable silence that lingered for a bit too long. I was taken aback by his rough tone with me, ripping my wrist free of his taut grasp before he could continue to amble forward. He turned to me with an angry and questioning look, it softening when he saw my face.

Look at that, he pities you.

"Soul, let me guess, Evelyn messaged you to see if I'm okay." I began with an acrid remark, gritting my teeth as I let my pent up anger consume me. "You're a popular, it's not as if you could bring yourself to care about someone like me anyway." Soul's anger had completely diminished like a wildfire dying within minutes of its spontaneous occurrence. Confusion overtook his expression, taking a careful step toward me and resting his large hand delicately on my arm.

"Y/n...," Soul whispered tentatively.

"What, is that all you can say? My name? Just stop pretending like you care!" I had begun to shout, the cries only heard by Soul swallowed by the night air soon after leaving my chapped lips. Soul retracted his hand in shock, his crimson eyes widening at my action. His befuddled expression soon reverted back to anger, his thin, snowy brows furrowing.

You go, girl. Insult the only 'friend' you have. I shook my head from side to side in attempt to make the perpetual mental barrage cease.

"How could you say that!?" Soul shouted back, my body shriveling in fear as a fire lit in his crimson irises.

Great job, doofus, you've really screwed yourself over here. 'Oh, shut up.' I told myself, repressing the harsh words of my depression and facing the next cruel statement head-on. I deserved it, after all.

"I'm on your side! I care about you!" Well, that was unexpected. Tears pricked the edges of my eyes as Soul wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug, the stars dwindling overhead as if laughing at us and our petty argument. "I know I've done nothing but let the shit get beaten out of you for the past few years, but please trust me. When you've lost everyone else, you can always come to me. I'll always be here. I'm your weapon, after all."

That's when it clicked. We could both feel it as we separated from our tight hug, that indescribable feeling of our souls finally working together in unison dwelling in our chests.

It didn't take a petty secret sharing session that you could've gotten at a 5th-grade sleepover.

It didn't take numerous practice sessions.

It took losing everything. But in losing everything, you still manage to gain it all back. Through the strength and trust that your partner puts in not only you, but in themselves as well.

"I guess we're finally partners then," I smiled, tears still dripping from my eyes as a dorky smile spread across Soul's face as well.

"I guess so."

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now