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//Update: 50 chapters and 10k reads later I finally decide to add a picture of Nathan lmao


The day seemed to have only gotten drearier after my walk of shame over to the nurse's office, my body slathered in ugly smudges of purple, black, and red. The pain was nothing, however, compared to the invasive and inquiring gaze of my fellow peers, the infinite amount of eyes hidden around the school somehow forming hands to grip my neck and suffocate me interminably.

Evelyn sympathetically rubbed my back throughout the day, yet I adamantly remained silent. I decided that there was no point in talking anymore, that it would simply get me into even more trouble--trouble that I just couldn't handle anymore. The hate that once fueled me disappeared like the coiling fire in Kid's eyes, the lump in my throat returning.

It burned to talk.

It burned to move.

It burned to be a l i v e.

"I'm going to go stop by my locker, okay?" Evelyn muttered with a wave before running the hall, not waiting for a reply as she knew none of the sorts would follow.

She probably wants to get away from you.

It stung more than I originally thought it would, each syllable searing itself into every nook and cranny in my brain--just another organ to set ablaze. I shook off the thought with a sigh, sauntering aimlessly through the halls, my stomach twisting far too much to even consider eating lunch. My thoughts continued to wind into endless strings of pity, threading themselves through my heart with blood spurting from the scattered, aching wounds--

--My breath hitched and my mind went blank, a strong kick forcing me against the murky black wall behind me. Before my mind could catch up with the situation at hand, my body reacted first, a choked scream ripping through the air and clawing at my already-strained vocal cords. I slid down the wall agonizingly slowly, biting my lip to muffle the cries of pain that were sure to come.

"Hey looooser~," a cruel voice sang, her blonde locks bobbing around in a sinful bout of enthusiasm. While I thanked Death that it wasn't Liz stood above me, I knew that it was a demon capable of far worse dilemmas. She could get out of anything if she wanted to.

I grimaced at the sight of her achingly happy simper along with her overall happy disposition, knowing all too well the true feelings of malign that she harbored inside her heart (if she even had one)-- it was our perfectly pristine heroine, Maka Albarn.

"Oi, Magic Maka, are you trying to emulate your friends and act like a fucking stripper, because your panties are kinda in my face. You do realize you're wearing a skirt, right?" I couldn't help the sudden surge of anger that flowed through my veins, the statement true enough as my face was pretty much in her lower regions.

'Great,' I thought to myself in a huff, pushing aside the small sliver of pride that I harbored over that great comeback, 'Now she wants to kill me even more. Great thinking F/n, let's just call her an exotic dancer!'

"What was that, L/n!?" She bellowed, kicking me across the face like Levi did Eren in the manga Shingeki no Kyojin. (Not as majestically of course.)

Not cool, man.

"Nothing? I thought so!" Maka yelled, grasping a fistful of my jacket and punching me repeatedly across the face. While it did hurt, don't get me wrong, it didn't hurt nearly as much as Liz's punches--and she's a weapon for goodness sake. "How dare you insult Liz!"

Another punch.

"Worthless garbage!"

Another kick.

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now