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Just as I thought, today was anything but normal. Soul and I were constantly approached for information about Kid and Liz's break up, us both trying our best to retain the 'fuck off' that we've so nearly said to multiple students.

And just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, "F/n!" A girl's voice yelled from down the hall, a firm grip locked around my arm merely seconds later. I turned to see Evelyn, a bright smile on her face as she tugged at my large sweatshirt. "Girl, you can wear my... sweatshirt!" She sang crudely, possibly making the already terrible song even worse.

"Ev, please don't."

"Okay, you have a major stick up your ass," I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, I've been meaning to ask since last night..."

'Oh lord,' I thought, a heavy sigh escaping my lips. 'Here we go.'

"Are you okay?"

'And she finally popped the question that nobody wants to answer.'

"You've looked pretty down since the party," Salt in the wounds. "The look on your face reminded me of... well, you know. You a while ago." I wanted to scream. No, even screaming couldn't cure me of all of this pent up frustration. Evelyn may be a sweet and caring girl, but sometimes she couldn't dance around the painful memories as well as she'd hope to. For fucks sake, she's about as graceful in doing so as an elephant on rollerblades.

Better play nice, F/n. That sickening voice whispered to me. She'll notice if you're not careful.

"Really," I choked, a weak smile displayed on my face. "I'm fine, Ev."

A bright smile replaced her worried one, her pearly white teeth on display. Tossing her pasty arm across my shoulder, she laughed and talked to me as we walked down the hall, bitter silence along with small nods coming from my end of the conversation. Well, I guess you can't really consider it a conversation if it is completely one-sided.

'I mean, she did betray me the other day. Bitterness is only to be expected.' I thought while my fingernails dug into my palms.




And there they go again, the voices tormenting me from every angle. My fingers delved deeper into my palms, blood slowly drawing from where my fingernails had penetrated my skin.

"F/n!" Evelyn's voice brought me out of my trance, my glistening e/c eyes meeting her teal ones. "Wow, you are really spacey lately. You sure you're okay?"

"Of course," I gave a bright smile almost as fake as the friendship that Evelyn and I had. "I'm perfectly fine, why wouldn't I be?"


School seemed to drag on, classes as boring as you'd expect them to be. Well, as boring as you can get with Stein as a teacher. For an eventful morning, the rest of the day carried on quite normally. No annoyances, no Evelyn, and no more drama.

Thank Death.

Speed-walking toward the large doors of the academy before anything could happen, I realized I was missing something. Rather, someone.

'Shoot,' I thought to myself, releasing a huff of exasperation. 'Where the hell is Soul?! Damn, we also have to pick a mission...' I pinched the bridge of my nose as my eyebrows furrowed. 'Could this get any worse?!'

"F/n!" Apparently so. Nathan hastily ran toward me after calling out my name. When he arrived in front of me, his hands were on his knees while his chest heaved in utter exhaustion. "I-I finally found you!" The boy quickly fixed himself upright, running a pale hand through his silky blonde locks whilst his emerald green eyes seemingly bore into my soul.

I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hot.

"What do you need?" I rushed out harshly, calming down upon seeing a look of distraught on Nathan's innocent face. "Sorry, I'm just in a rush to find Soul."

"Ah, I won't keep you long then. I was just wondering, um, would you possibly-, no, do you want to-,"

"Nathan," I interrupted, placing my hand on his broad shoulder (not that I noticed or anything). "Calm down, what is it that you want to ask?"

"Will you go out on a date with me tonight?" The emerald-eyed boy suddenly blurted, a small blush rising to his cheeks.

My immediate thought was hell no as Nathan had been a total jackass to me in the past, but upon seeing a speck of black watching us in the background, I decided to change my mind.

"Sure!" I said quite loudly, making sure said speck-of-black could hear, a bright--and almost forced--smile set on my lips. Nathan's lips tugged upward as well, his blush becoming heavier. "I would love to go on a date with you."

"Great, I'll text you the details. Later, hot stuff," The boy winked before heading down the hall, a bit of bounce in his step as he left. As soon as he was out of sight I spun on my heel to look for Soul. Luckily and unluckily enough, after turning I was met with a firm chest. Luckily- because it was Soul, but unluckily- because we both toppled over together.

"Augh, so not cool," Soul muttered, shoving me off of him as he sat upright. He ran his hand through his messy albino hair, chuckling as I struggled to sit up. "Well hello to you too."

"Thanks for finally showing up, Mr. Popularity."

"You seem bitter. What happened?"

"I just 'scored' a hot date tonight," I muttered monotonously, my eyes rolling as I air quoted 'scored'.

"Well at least we don't have to go on that mission anymore," Soul nervously chuckled before rising to his feet, grabbing my arm and pulling me up with him. "Let's go get you ready. Since this is a hot date with destiny we have to make you look hot-like-wow."


//Finally starting to get eventful! Sorry if it's poorly written, I'm about 1/2 awake writing this XD. Anyway, 860 reads UM WHAT!?! You guys are amazing! Thank you so much and I love you all! Vote and comment (the comments section is really lonely ;-;) <3

-Christy <3

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