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Leaning against the walls of the DWMA with Soul by my side, my fingers fiddled with the cuff of my large sweatshirt while Soul talked to the endless crowd of blushing, hormonal girls who approached him. I sighed as I felt out of place, pulling out my phone as a distraction and to make it seem like I have friends--truly a professional loser move. I looked at the time only for a great deal of disappointment to wash over me; ten more awkward minutes until class finally started.

'To think, I'd actually like to be watching one of Stein's dissection labs right now,' I thought to myself dejectedly. Figuring there's nothing better to do, I pressed on an orange app that sat at the top of my screen, a cute white 'w' placed in the middle. But this app was anything but cute. Between all the smut and scarring fanfiction, Wattpad was definitely not as cute nor as innocent as it looked.

All that aside, the fanfiction that immediately popped up on my screen was a cute, fluffy one called Diaries of a Gay Conformist (#ShamelessSelfPromo). It was a sweet story about two Saudi Arabian boys and the ways in which they navegate being LGBTQ+ in a homophobic space. Unfortunately, the author is a complete lazy-ass and rarely updates, so I was trying to enjoy the few chapters available for as long as possible. I smiled and laughed as I flipped through a few pages, my focus steadily dwindling as the students that filled the halls grew louder by the minute.

Cheers spontaneously erupted from the clusterfuck of students, my focus completely obliterated as I growled and shut off my phone. People pushed and shoved to get to a destination unknown to me, Soul's throng of women leaving him as well for whatever-the-hell was happening.

"F/n!" Soul yelled despite being within close proximity of me, his voice still imbricated by the screams and shouts of the meisters and weapons that filled the halls. "Let's go see what's going on!" I didn't even have time to reject before Soul's hand was firmly wrapped around my wrist, him dragging me straight into the heart of the crowd.

My eyes widened as I saw Liz and Kid standing parallel to each other, Kid's arms folded firmly across his chest. The rest of Spartoi was scattered throughout the front of the crowd, Evelyn waving at me before going back to her conversation with Patty.

'Great, now she's talking to the popular's like she's one of them.' While my mind was clouded with bleak thoughts, I didn't notice Soul lean into my ear before I felt his warm breath tickling the hairs on the back of my neck.

"Do you think this is it?" It took me a minute to comprehend what Soul was asking, a look of realization crossing my face when I finally understood.

"Definitely. I love how they had to make it so public, though."

"This is Liz, of course she's going to make it public."

"Oh my god, what do you think is going on?!"

"I don't know, but doesn't Kid's glare look so hot!? He could glare at me any day of the week..."

"Shut up, look at Liz! She looks upset, do you think she and Kid got in a fight?"

I chuckled darkly at the comments tossed around so casually, looking at Soul to see a look of disinterest in his eyes.

'He must be used to this kind of drama.' I thought before I felt fingers tangle with mine, a warm palm pressed up against my own. It sent heat waves through my body, my g/c e/c eyes looking down to see Soul's pale hand in mine. I looked up and met his crimson eyes, a soft look set in them as he squeezed my hand reassuringly. I smiled and looked back toward Kid and Liz, preparing myself for the ordeal that was about to happen.

"Let's make this short and sweet," A deep voice boomed, the crowd falling completely silent. It was almost uncomfortable; in place of the cheering, an awkward tension fell about the room. "Liz, I'm sick of you. Let's just end this," Kid stated firmly, his golden hues holding no look of regret. "My love for you has faded and I can no longer bear to keep up this facade."

"But Kid!" Liz cried dramatically, running up and placing her hands on his chest as if she were the lead in the next big tellanovella. "We can work this out, please!" Tears sprung to her eyes as I rolled mine, a scoff falling from my lips.

'This is actually pathetic, how are people buying into this?!' I could hear Soul snickering lightly beside me, using his free hand to cover his mouth. I couldn't blame him, to be honest, this was a feeble attempt at a breakup.

Interrupting my thoughts, yet again, was Kid's sonorous voice, "No, Liz, it's over."

The crowd erupted yet again, their cheers and screams louder than before. I untangled my hand from Soul's to cover my ears as he did the same.

Today was definitely going to be an off day.


//Sorry for the late update. Thanks for almost 730 reads, though! My gosh, I remember just writing "thanks for 600 reads"

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now