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I opened my g/c (gem colored) eyes, something glimmering blinding me as opposed to the light of the window this time. I looked down, noticing the rose necklace that I always hid under my shirt was shining brightly in the open, and that I was wearing fresh clothes that were not my own.

"Good morning," a sweet voice called, my eyes coming in contact with black dreadlocks along with dark skin. "Back again so soon, F/n?" I groggily sat up, rubbing my forehead in discomfort.

"What happened?" I asked quietly in a congested tone, a sneeze following after.

"Well, your mysterious prince charming carried you in here with both of you wearing sopping wet clothes, so I'm assuming that he saved you from the rain. I just checked your temperature and you have a high fever, meaning you were probably out there for a while," Naigus said calmly, her blue hues holding sympathy for me. "So, what did happe-," the woman began, before being interrupted by a dark figure bursting through the door.

"Hey, hiya, wazzup?!~" Lord Death asked as he stood in front of the door to the infirmary, Stein and Spirit in tow. Stein had a crazed smile set on his face while he sat in his rolly-chair, spinning around in circles as small muffled giggles escaped his lips. Spirit, on the other hand, stood leaning against the doorframe coolly, trying to look chill and uninterested with my sick and disheveled form. Despite this, we all know that he's a crazed pervert obsessing over his daughter internally like an otaku fangirls over their ships. Lord Death simply walked over to me with a comical giggle, his large white hand forming a peace sign.

"It's good to see you, F/n! You rarely visit me in the death room anymore!" the reaper smiled, causing a smile to grow on my face as well.

"Good to see you-," I began, a cough interrupting my statement. "Too, Lord Death."

"Death, you know her? I thought she was just another slacker in the back of the class," Spirit scoffed, yet a bright smile overtook his frown in an instant after the next sentence slipped. "Unlike my dear, sweet, lovely Maka! She's perfect in every way! She's smart, beautiful, and-" Lord Death reaper-chopped the red-haired man, causing him to fall to the floor with a comical blush coating his cheeks as he muttered incoherent nonsense.

"Aaaanyway!" Death practically squealed, placing his white hands at the sides of his overly-happy white skull mask. "You are almost done collecting souls for your weapons, F/n!" Lord Death clapped his hands, Stein nodding his head in approval towards me.

"Death, she may have as much potential as your son to be a higher starred meister," Stein said, a smirk tugging at his lips as he stopped spinning in his chair. "How vexing, please let me dissect you!" Befuddlement crossed my face, my arms jutting out in front of me and whipping from side to side.

"No way!" Stein chuckled at my reaction and rolled closer to me, purposely kicking Spirit's love-stricken body in the process to make him stop mumbling about his daughter. The red-haired male seemingly came back to life, a glare set on his face as he regained a serious composure.

'Wow, he just went from 100 to 0 real fast,' I thought, mentally tapping my s/c chin. 'Then again, I don't think a creep like him is capable of being a 100.'

"Back on topic!" Death announced, everyone falling silent. Spirit even ceased his pained complaints about the kick he received. "F/n, as of your last mission you have collected 80 souls for both Sadie and Evelyn, yet you have a single month until your birthday," Death informed me, holding a finger high in the air. "You don't have the time to be focusing on the drama people have dragged you into in school, I'd focus on your missions. A month isn't much time, after all!"

"Only a month or she's kicked out of her family, right? That's rough..," Spirit sighed, rubbing his pale hand across his fiery red tresses. Despite the tension in the air concerning my family status, I couldn't help but feel relieved. The three people in the room all knew about what I have to deal with concerning my family issue, so they all constantly advise me on how to manage my time and my sister. They are like the family I never had, making me wonder if I actually needed my biological family anyway.

"I'm going to do my best for all of you since you always try to help me," I mumbled, bowing my head towards the three, "Thank you for having faith in me." Lord Death, being the closest one to me of the three, patted my head sadly, understanding my emotional and physical stress. He knew I was bullied, yet he honestly couldn't do a thing about it.

This is the DWMA; if you aren't strong enough to protect yourself, you may as well be Kishin food.

This phrase always kept me going. I knew I was strong when it came to fights outside of school, yet whenever a person came and kicked me I wouldn't know how to respond. My shyness always managed to take over, my sassiness seemingly fleeing from my body and leaving me as an empty vessel.

"Rough as it may be, I'm going to have to make your life a bit harder F/n," Stein said, his lips twitching into a smirk. Dread raced through me, I knew whatever was coming wasn't going to be good. "There was a project that I assigned the class while you were passed out here in the infirmary," the platinum-haired man began as he reached up and grasped the bulky screw that protruded his head, twisting it multiple times.

"Alright, no biggie!" I breathily sighed out, "I don't mind projects all that much."

"Well this one you might...," Stein said with a frown as he took a deep breath. "Your assignment is to fight with a different partner, chosen by me at random, for two weeks. You will be evaluated on how well you are able to resonate with their soul after spending time with them despite having little to no existing bonds with them before." My calm facade instantly dropped, fear racking my body yet again as I felt myself begin to sweat.

"A-and who exactly is my partner?"

"It's a member of your favorite group throughout the school, Spartoi," Stein began, him patting his legs rapidly to create a drum roll. "You will be working and living with..." An eerie silence filled the air as everyone waited patiently for the man to finish.

"Well, on with it already!" Spirit grunted, Stein nodding his head in response with one of the most malicious of smirks I've ever seen him wear.

"Maka Albarn's newly-forged Death Scythe, Soul Eater Evans."

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now