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//Whaaaaat Christy did another update this week what's going on is this the beginning of the apocalypse?!1!1?

//Whaaaaat Christy did another update this week what's going on is this the beginning of the apocalypse?!1!1?

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Nope. I just didn't want to study :P Enjoy this chapter, my grades suffered and died for it.

 I just didn't want to study :P Enjoy this chapter, my grades suffered and died for it

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You're disgusting.

My shoes tear against the rugged pavement below as I propel myself forward, warm air clawing at my lungs with each gasp of breath I took. My body felt like it was on fire, my footfalls sending surges of pain throughout my already aching legs as I weakly willed myself to run further. I needed to get away from that café.

Awful, vile trash.

I feared that if I stopped running, my exhausted limbs would fold from under me. The large stitch that prodded at my side indicated that I was pushing myself far too hard, yet I made no sign of acknowledging it. It was as if I was moving without my conscious volition.

Die already.

My heart beats frantically in my chest as I stumble to accelerate in speed. The further I run toward my unknown destination the more my mind nagged me about finding my way back home. Instead of attacking the problem--like one normally would--I simply kept running, letting the street signs become a variegated blur to my already hazy vision.

You aren't wanted back home anyway.

Then again, finding my way home was the least of my worries at the moment. All that awaited me there was an uncomfortable conversation with Soul. Thinking of such made the tears that had once burned in the corners of my eyes begin to steadily fall down my cheeks, breathy whimpers escaping my parted lips.

You've never had a home.

I ran for what seemed like forever before clumsily crashing into a firm chest, a pair of arms frantically wrapping around my waist to prevent my fall. My legs immediately turned to jelly as I embarrassingly collapsed into the stranger's arms, my head weakly tilting upward to catch a glimpse of my savior. Kid's concerned eyes bore into my glistening e/c ones, his pale lips curving into a frown.

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now