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Kid's POV

Sitting on the plush, black couch that resided in the middle of my manor's living room, I fumbled with the rings that circled my middle fingers--the middle fingers that I so desperately wanted to raise in Liz's face for controlling yet another facet of my life. This morning, Liz dictated that I would be wearing a white t-shirt with a black-tie print hanging from the v-neck and black skinny jeans with a gray beanie and a pair of black and white high tops to match--no exceptions. I seethed uncomfortably in place on the couch, my golden eyes igniting into pools of magma as thick, gray smoke billowed from my ears.

The worst part? Liz pressured me into wearing this over a phone call.

I'm pathetic.

My pity party came to an abrupt halt as I noticed Evelyn sliding down the railing of my spiral staircase from the second floor, my stomach dropping through the floor. I bolted towards the end of the staircase and caught her gracelessly in my arms, a huff escaping my lips in a mixture of relief and physical exasperation. Evelyn flailed her arms and legs wildly, cheering at the top of her lungs.

"Woohoo! That was awesome!" I set her on the floor and rolled my eyes, rustling her multicolored hair.

"Please don't give me a heart attack," I asked, a nervous sweat rolling down my cheek as my eye twitched in annoyance. "I'm too young to end up at Death's door."

"No promises!" Evelyn squealed, holding a peace sign up to her eye. "Do I look kawaii, senpai? Do I make your heart go Doki Doki?!" The girl twirled around in her outfit, my eye twitching even more.

'Damn, this is like Patty number two with an added weeaboo bonus,' I thought, a breathy sigh escaping my lips. I looked the girl over quickly, her outfit a simple gray sweater with a black heart in the middle, black jeans, and gray converse.

"Yes, yes," I started in an attempt to quiet her down. "You look super 'kawaii'," I muttered with the addition of air-quotes. Evelyn jumped around in joy, her wrapping her slender arms around my waist.

"Yas! Senpai noticed me!" Yet another sigh escaped my lips, irritation scrawled all over my face.

'How does F/n deal with this? Evelyn was a lot more serious the other day...' Loud knocks on the door interrupted my thoughts, Evelyn releasing me before running to the door energetically.

"The great Black*Star has arrived!" the bluenette exclaimed as he pushed Evelyn aside, casually waltzing into my house. "Kid, where's the food?"

"Just shut up already!" an irritated, girly voice exclaimed, my eyes drifting toward Sadie.

"Ew, you," Evelyn grumbled, glaring at Sadie.

"Ew, yourself! Now that that's out of the way, can you please get my temporary partner to shut up? I hate to admit it, but F/n is so much easier to deal with than Black*Star." Sadie grumbled, motioning for Evelyn to go and calm down a rampaging Black*Star. Just as I was about to step in to defend her, Evelyn yelled at the blue-haired assassin.

"The food's in the kitchen! Have a ball, dumbfuck!" Black*Star cheered as he pushed open the door to the kitchen, munching noises ensuing before the door had even fully closed.

"Ugh, whatever!" Sadie complained, plopping herself down onto the couch. I leaned back against the dark walls of my house, grasping the bridge of my nose in annoyance and fear of the commotion to come.

More knocks came from the door, Evelyn greeting the next group of people. Crona came in with Liz and Patty following closely behind, a cheerful look on Patty's face while Liz simply focused on her nails.

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now