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I gulped down one last calming breath, Soul walking over and wrapping me a tight hug.

"Have fun, loser," Soul laughed, his cool guy persona back as he flashed me a lazy smirk. I rolled my eyes and muttered a quick 'I will' before heading toward the door, fixing my hair and dress quickly. I opened the door to a neatly-dressed Nathan, his blonde hair combed nicely opposed to its usual natural messiness. He also wore a nice black button-down with a white t-shirt underneath, blue skinnies and some black high tops hugging his robust body.

"Ready to go?" Nathan asked, outstretching a hand to help me out the door. My eyes glanced at his wrist where an expensive watch rested, the silver metal glistening in the sun.

'He must be wealthy because damn is that bouj,' I thought as I took his arm and smiled, waving at Soul before the door had shut behind us. After locking the door and turning to face my driveway, a large red object had made my jaw drop to the floor. 'No way, this kid-,'

"Ahah yeah," Nathan laughed and smiled nervously, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck awkwardly. "People don't usually pin me to be the son of a filthy rich family."

In my drive sat a beautiful red Lamborghini, it's paint glistening brighter than Nathan's fancy wristwatch. Or his pearly white teeth, for that matter. (Damn, those things seemed to glisten in the sun. As if he wasn't attractive enough.) I shook my head to break myself of my trance, Nathan chuckling at me as he was already stood at the driver's side of the car.

"You coming or not?"

"Y-Yeah! Sorry," I ran--well, hobbled, since I was in heels--over to the passenger side of the car, opening the door (which, amazingly, opened by thrusting up like a car from the future) and sliding in the seat. I closed the door behind me, turning to look at Nathan in astonishment. The car was even more beautiful on the inside; the black leather seats gave off the new-car smell while the interior was absolutely breathtaking just due to the pure aesthetics of it all.

"I hope my wealth doesn't change anything between us," Nathan mumbled shyly, his eyes wandering everywhere but where mine were. "It's probably what made me popular, to be quite honest. I was hoping for something--I don't know--more genuine with you?" Nathan sputtered, his statement coming out as more of a question. I placed my hand on his to reassure him, his emerald green eyes finally meeting mine.

"This doesn't change anything. Well, other than the fact that I want your Lambo," We both laughed as he revved the car to life, it letting out a growl of satisfaction as we made our way out of my drive.

"Ready for some fun?" Nathan asked, a devilish smirk tugging at his lips as I seemingly shrunk from fear.

"Well I was, but that smirk makes me think otherwise."

"Oh come on," Nathan prodded with a chuckle. "Live a little. You can't be old and wise one day if you were never young and crazy." That quote seemingly shut me up as it became famous in my mind.

'I guess maybe I worry too much?' I thought, my mind wandering to the question of, 'when was the last time that I had actual fun?'. 'Maybe I'm too caught up in worrying about staying in my family and collecting all those souls. Maybe he's right, maybe I should just care less and-,' A warm hand covering mine brought me out of my thoughts, my eyes averting to Nathan's (wonderfully sculpted) face.

"You think too much,"


A/N: Short chapter as another thank you for 1k! (well, 1.1k now <3) I want to thank everyone for the support (no favoritism or anything, but the ones that do all the voting and commenting are my bae's) I think the love is well deserved too, this is the most focused I've ever been on Wattpad and writing for quite some time XD.

Question of the day (yet another thing I'm going to try to start so please help me out by commenting): What do you think is going to happen next? What's going to happen when you and Nathan hit the club?

The best answer will get the next chapter dedicated to them! (Yet another thing I meant to do in the past... I just always forgot ><)

Vote, comment, and share!

Bye, y'all!

Bye, y'all!

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