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I honest to god think I bring out the gay in people. Soul and I were sat huddled on the couch together with my phone sandwiched in between us, waiting for Nathan's text as to where our mystery date was going to take place.

"I feel like you're more nervous than I am," I said with a laugh, Soul glaring daggers at me.

"This is your first date! He's taking your dating virginity. You have to be at least a little nervous," Soul said whilst flailing his arms about, a blank look set on my face.

"Nah, I'm pretty chill right now," I shrugged. "You act like he's about to text you where the location of your date's going to be."

"What? Me- gay?! For Nathan?! Hell no!" Soul said frantically, a small laugh escaping my lips.

"I ship it," I stuttered out between fits of giggles, Soul tackling me to the couch and tickling me.

"You complete and utter trash! Take it back!" Soul laughed, his fingers brushing my sides making my laughs grow louder.

"N-Never!" I said breathily, "I should make a fanfic about it," And with what little breath I had, I choked out, "Sathan for life!"

"That's it!" Soul chuckled, tickling me faster until I was doubled over laughing and shakily taking in ragged breaths. A buzz interrupted our tickle session, a gasp escaping Soul's lips as he hastily got off of me and ran to my phone. I let out a breath of alleviation.

"You realize that I have a password, right?" I asked, Soul looking at me with an are-you-kidding-me-right-now look.

"I can still see the message from your lock screen." Soul chuckled as I facepalmed. "By the way, giiiirl," Soul drawled out as he stared at the message on my lock screen. "Does Nathan have an eventful night planned out for you!" My phone was immediately shoved in my face, my eyes squinting to read the lone message that sat under the time.

Hey, beautiful, I finally decided on a place to take you for our date. Lol, sorry I didn't really plan this too well. Was caught up in the moment I guess... 😅. Anyway, I figured we'd take advantage of living in Vegas by going out clubbing. I was hoping that you'd meet me at Surrender Nightclub at 8:00. I'll pick you up at your door. I'll see you soon <3.

I quickly snatched my phone and typed back, my fingers stumbling across the keys.

Okay! See you soon <3


"Oh my gosh, this is actually happening!" Soul squealed, covering his mouth soon after he said it. "Damn, that was, um, forget about that." I just chuckled and looked at the time, my eyes widening when I saw that it was already 5:02.

"Shit, Soul, we only have three hours!" I cried dramatically, my hands flying up to my chest to add to my dramatism. While I was simply doing this due to my love of sarcasm, Soul actually seemed genuinely horrified as he dragged me up the stairs and into my room, practically flinging me onto my bed.

Throwing my wardrobe doors open hysterically with his arms spread wide, his crimson hues seemingly glistened in anticipation. The few dresses that I owned were tossed behind Soul and onto my bed next to me, my eyes widening as Soul continued to find matching shoes and accessories within seconds.

"This is some Project Runway level shit right here, are you secretly my gay best friend?"

"Ha-ha," Soul said monotonously, wiping his brow after he had finally left my wardrobe and turned to face the mess of clothes that he had created on my bed with me sat in the middle. "Girl, are you ready for the modeling session of your life?"


"Well get ready," Soul said enthusiastically, pointing a finger at me. "Because by the time I'm done with you, Nathan is going to pop a boner just from seeing you!"

"Lovely, that's just the look I'm going for," I said sarcastically as Soul shoved me into my bathroom, tossing me a well-coordinated outfit and sending me a wink.


Well, I was going to do something special for this but:

1) it's now late thanks to all you lovely readers.

2) I didn't want to get creative. (get the reference and you get a cookie)

Anyway, thank you so so so so SO MUCH FOR 1K OML! (Well technically 1.05K now but stILL!!)

You guys are amazing and you're really the reason I kept with writing! Thank you so much and btw happy late 4th of July! More updates to come soon I promise ><.

Vote and Comment (because the comments are lonely and so am I ;-;).

Bye y'all!

-Christy <3

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα