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Springing to my feet and whipping out a hidden switchblade from my pants pocket, I jumped at my attacker and pinned him to the floor, my blade pressed flush against his pale neck. Crimson eyes met my e/c ones, a small smirk displayed on the face of the weapon below me.

"Hello to you too," Soul muttered, a chuckle resonating from his throat. I quickly got off of him, muttering a small apology before he sat upright ."Beautiful night, huh?" I looked into the inky black sky, the stars winking at me as they scattered across the tremendous horizon. I couldn't see it as beautiful anymore, no, all I could see was treachery and fear. I felt like the stars were beckoning me closer; maybe it was their way of telling me that I'm going to become one of them soon, that I'm going to be lost in a sea of lost souls. Just another star in the sky that nobody pays attention to.

The phone call continued to linger in my mind, dragging my thoughts deeper into a pit of despair and darkness. A place I hadn't been in a long while. With just one little push-.

"Yea... I guess," I muttered the favorable answer, my e/c eyes growing distant as my mind wandered. Soul shook me out of my trance, my head swiveling to face him abruptly. "What is it?!"

"Sorry, I could tell that you were getting buried in your thoughts. Care to share?"

"Not really."

"It wasn't really a yes or no question, tell me." I sighed in annoyance to Soul's persistence.

"Populars," The single word I uttered seemed to catch Soul's interest, his flaming crimson eyes meeting my glistening e/c ones.

"And what is it about us that bothers you so much?" The albino asked, hugging his legs to his chest while looking off into the starry night. "What did we ever do to you?" A dry and hoarse chuckle escaped my lips, my eyes growing hard along with my heart.

"What didn't you do to me, you insufferable bastards," My grim demeanor surprised Soul, his eyes widening a fraction of an inch. "It's obvious that I hold a grudge against Liz for bullying me publicly. I also hate Maka for the same reason-," I began, interrupted by Soul's confusion.

"Woah, woah," the albino began, holding his pale hands in front of him, "Maka bullies you? My meister bullies you?"

"Yea," I quietly muttered, "I'm not going to go into that much further. Continuing on through the group, I simply find Black*Star obnoxious-,"

"Everyone does," Soul interjected. "I honestly don't blame you."

"You and Tsubaki are fine, but I just didn't understand why you let Liz bully me. I thought you guys wanted me to be hurt too-,"

"That's not true," Soul said, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Honestly, we're all too terrified of Liz to say anything different." I nodded my head in understanding, my mind racing as the puzzle that I've been trying to solve so desperately was steadily piecing itself together.

"Patty is basically Liz's errand girl, so it's not like I think she's innocent. After all, she does do her sister's dirty work."

"Fair enough."

"Lastly, and my least favorite, Kid."

"How can you hate Kid more than you hate Liz and Maka?" Soul asked skeptically. "Those two physically bully you from what you've told me and from what I've seen, how could Kid be worse than that?! He blatantly cares for you!"

"Bullshit," I muttered coldly. "He couldn't give a damn less about me. He left me, after all. He left me to be teased by the whole school."

"That can't be true! Maybe it's just not how you think. After all, the 'populars' aren't as you expected, right?"

"There's no way," I grumbled. "Kid is a bastard through and through-,"

"Give him a chance! Whatever he did could probably be forgiven!" Soul yelled, my glistening e/c eyes widening before dropping to the floor.

"You just don't understand, Soul." I whispered. Fits of giggles met my ears, my head turning to see the still partially-opened front door. "Why don't we see what Kid has to say when we aren't in the room, hmm?" I walked over to the door casually, peeking in to watch the events going down. Soul quickly followed and stood next to me, desperately trying to hear what was said.

Kid had been dragged from his place on the couch to an alternate hallway by Evelyn, my eyebrows rising in confusion. My heart clenched, 'Why is she associating with the enemy?'

Just one little push.

"What are we doing this for? Do you honestly think Kid would shit talk you? Like I said, he cares about-," I covered his mouth with my hand, listening intently to the conversation brewing between the remaining people in the room.

"Sis! Are you okay with Kid breaking up with you for this dare?" Patty asked, a lollipop swirling around in her mouth as she spoke. Liz scoffed, a small smirk adorning her face.

"It's only a break!" My eyes widened, I knew where this was going. "If it breaks F/n's heart then I'll be fine without Kid for a few weeks!" Bitter laughs escaped her lips, Maka's forming into a devious smirk.

A small, thin fracture re-opened in my heart.

"I hope he accepts my dare," The blonde demon laughed as she flipped one of her pigtails over her shoulder, Liz nodding in response.


"Oh- oh my god..." Soul whispered, looking down at me with a pity filled gaze. I could tell he was at a loss for words so I simply tangled our fingers together, my hand clenching onto his for dear life. "I'll protect you. After all, you're my meister and my friend." Soul's fiery crimson eyes met my e/c ones, determination and anger residing in his beautiful orbs. "Besides, they're being total assholes. I swear, if Kid accepts this bullshit dare I'll shank a bitch."


"Looks like you may have to...," I muttered as Kid returned with Evelyn in tow, a devious smile curled upon his lips. I wouldn't admit it, but I was secretly hoping that Kid would choose me over the dare. I may say I hate him, but my heart yearns for him. I want us to care for each other like we did when we were kids. I wish he would wipe away my tears and fix me, but it's not like he can see that I'm broken, he simply doesn't care to look. He'll always look in every other direction just so I won't be on his mind.


Why am I never important enough? Why can't I be special? Why can't I capture your damn attention, Death the Kid?!


"I'll do it," Kid smiled grimly. The feeling of my heart shattering into a million pieces was indescribably excruciating, my sense of hearing dissipating completely as I felt darkness claim me as it's own. The outcome was as expected, so why am I sad? I anticipated this. Just why, why must it cripple my heart further?! I could only watch as Kid continued to speak, most likely spewing more and more insults about me.

With just one little push, I'll be sent spiraling into oblivion.

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now