3 // Sunrise

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"Cy!" Alessia's screech ran through the corridors. The sound of two sets of footsteps first sent a shock of fear rippling through my body, but as she appeared in the doorway of my bathroom with Ace on her heels, I knew that I was safe. She fell in the folds of cloth from her dress on the floor beside me, wiping my tears. "Cy, baby, why did you run? What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" 

Ace kept silent, and I kept my gaze on him. He knew. He wasn't saying anything, and he knew. 

"Can you get me some water, please," I mumbled. She nodded hurriedly and rushed off to the kitchen. 

"Why didn't you tell her? Who was that man? Why me?" I mumbled the last part to myself. He remained quiet, as if he was determining what would cause me more damage; telling me or keeping up this quiet game he had going. 

"We need to talk, alone." 

There was a vicious knock at the door, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. As he went down the stairs to answer it, I peeked over the banister to see Beta Lyon in the doorway. Why was he here? How was he here? 

Before I got a chance to eavesdrop on their conversation, Alessia shoved a glass of water in my face. 

"Tell me what happened, please." 

My position was blown, and Lyon's eyes flickered over to me. 

"Not now, Lyon," Ace pleaded. Lyon sank daggers into him with his eyes, but said nothing. 

"I'll be back for her in the morning. Have her ready." He sent one last gaze up to me before turning away from the door. 

"You should get out of that dress, love. I'll watch her," Ace said softly. She was up the stairs towards her spare room when I sat on the couch, feeling the other end dip as he sat beside me. 

"Why was Beta Lyon here," I said the words nervously. Part of me didn't want to know the answer. He handed me another one of those silly looking scrolls. I hadn't even seen them exchange it. Ace wouldn't meet my eyes, but waited patiently for me to read it. I swallowed deeply, and started unrolling the parchment 

His Majesty the Alpha requests your presence in his Royal Palace tomorrow morning. Attendance is mandatory. 

It was short, but it was enough for a wave of goosebumps to ripple over my skin. 

"Ace, tell me the man I locked eyes with tonight wasn't the King." I heard my own voice shake.

His silence confirmed my worst fear. I had pleaded all my life to be left alone on this hill, with no werewolf interference. I had been good and just, and of all people for me to be paired with, it couldn't be an Omega? It had to be an Alpha? The Alpha of Alphas at that? 

"The Moon Goddess wouldn't have done this if you couldn't do it," Ace encouraged. 

"So even you admit that it's wrong." 

"I admit it will be hard. For you. He's a demanding man with a job that demands the world from him, quite literally." 

"So what am I supposed to do, Ace? Be the Luna of all Lunas? I was built to be small, and not just physically." 

"That's why you'll balance each other out." He promised. 

I couldn't do this. I couldn't have this conversation. I bid him goodnight and he babbled on about being ready and presentable tomorrow morning, but that wasn't on my mind. I locked myself in my studio, and both of them knew not to disturb me when I was in here. He was probably explaining everything to Alessia right now. This was the only chance I had. 

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