38 // Till Death Do Us Part

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Today was the day I say "I do." 

I awoke to the stretching of the sun against my sheets, like it was yawning. I couldn't help but smile up at the sheer curtains. For the first time in days, I felt calm. My longing eyes drifted over to the white dress that clung to the shadows. A knock on the door perked my ears up, and I looked over to see Lyon creaking the door open. 

"Good morning, your majesty," he grinned. 

"You can't call me that just yet," I reminded. I couldn't help the small smile that met my lips. "How is he doing?" 

"I have never seen the King of Alphas so nervous in all his days. He's like a teenage boy waiting for his prom date," he and I both chuckled at the thought of Damien going to prom. He was a lot of things, but he was not the dancing type of man. 

I dragged my fingers across the silk sheets. "Is the ballroom all set up?" 

"I witnessed Alessia putting on the finishing touches herself. It's absolutely stunning, Cyan, but I would expect nothing less from a woman like her." 

I rose from my bed and wrapped my robe closely around my figure. I paced over to the window, and what my gaze was met with nearly made me jump. Security around the palace had always been high, but now there seemed to be guards every 5 feet, and even more screening everyone that was coming into the palace to attend the wedding ceremony. Lyon sensed my unease. 

"Damien was rightfully nervous about whether or not Xander would try anything, so he increased security last night for today. Everyone is being checked, screened, and ID'd." 

"Xander wouldn't try anything, I made my choice clear." Both Lyon and I knew that I tried to sound like I was convincing myself rather than him with that statement, but neither of us addressed it. 

Our conversation was interrupted by my stylists coming in to assist me with my makeup, hair, and dress. Lyon left without another word, and I was pampered for hours on end. Once every hair had set in the correct position, they let me step into the dress. 

The dress was a simple, flowing lace bodice with thin straps to hold it up on my shoulders. My hair was left in sweeping curls around my collarbones with the upper half twisted up. It flowed down to the satin heels that I wore on my feet. As they sidestepped me in front of the trifold mirror, for the first time, I felt like royalty. 

"It's time, Luna." The voice of the wedding coordinator was the only thing to snap me out of my trance. 

It was happening. 

I walked slowly down the corridor, as to not trip in these heels or tear my dress. There was a little girl behind me holding my train, and I sent a small smile to her. The butterflies in my stomach had exploded into a swarm. This was the moment every little girl dreamed of, and it was finally happening to me. I stood in front of the grand doors that entered into the ballroom, and I breathed. 

They were swung out in front of me like a movie, and it took everything in me to remain composed. Flowers adorned every single corner of the ballroom, and they were accompanied by gold and lace ribbons. There was a dusty rose carpet that rolled down the grand staircase. At the bottom, I saw Damien standing impatiently at the altar, and if I wasn't mistaken his eyes were watering. 

I started with one step down the stairs, and then two. With each step I took, I was walking closer and closer to my fate. I kept my eyes trained on my feet, keeping the skirt of my wedding gown lifted with my hand. Quickly, I found myself in front of Damien, with my eyes still looking down. I breathed deeply, and as I exhaled, I lifted my gaze to meet his. The only way I could describe the look on his face was pure adoration. I left a small smile leave my lips at the sight of this, and broke out into a full out beam. 

Words were recited, but I was too focused on him. I was too self aware of the ballroom filled with people who had known Damien since he was a child, and human girls who wished that they were standing where I was. As the ring was slid onto my finger, there was a loud cough that echoed through the ballroom. 

"Isn't this the part where you ask for any objections?" 

All eyes were swiveled to the aisle, where Xander stood proudly in his tux. I felt the life drop out of me as I saw who he was holding. He had Ace in a neck hold, and he could snap it at any moment. Ace's eyes were kept closed, and I knew he was praying to the Moon Goddess. 

"What are you doing here, brother," Damien growled as his arm slipped around my waist. 

"I must admit, you did a very good job at rushing this whole shindig, brother. I hardly caught wind from one of my spies in the castle before you were standing at that altar." 

"You have no place here," Damien's eyes flickered to the guards that lined the sides of the room, but before they could even take one step, Xander let out a warning growl. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, brother," He scolded. "I could snap your pretty best friend's neck here if you even breathe the wrong way." 

"What do you want?" There was a sense of pleading in his voice. 

"I want to take your bride." 

"That's not happening, and you know that." 

Ace's eyes shot open at this point, and his gaze rested with Damien's. 

"Are you sure about that?" His grip tensed on Ace's chin. 

It all happened so fast. 

Alessia couldn't help herself, she let out a cry as she leaped off the altar, but before she could even get within a meter of them, a large snap echoed throughout the hall. Ace was dropped to the ground, limp, and Alessia collapsed. 

I've heard about what it's like, when your mate dies. You feel like your heart is being literally ripped out of your chest, and this was no exception. Alessia writhed on the ground in pain, clutching her chest as she let out echoing sobs. 

The guards lunged from either side of the altar, but Xander was too quick. Before I knew it, he was right in front of Damien and I. Damien pushed me behind him, but Xander's focus wasn't on me. I saw Damien curl over, clutching his abdomen, and without another word, Xander was gone.

I rushed back in front of Damien, looking him up and down. I felt the breath get knocked out of me as the sweet red sight of blood began seeping through the white shirt of his tux. 

He collapsed. 

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