4 // Cinderella

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The voice sent a rush of energy over my senses. It was melodic, and deep, and husky. It was the voice every girl dreams of waking up to in the morning. Although a small part of me had wished that Ace would have stepped through that threshold with me, I knew that wasn't going to happen. Once the grand wooden door creaked close with a soft click, I knew I was alone.

At first, I only saw him from the back. He was in a well fitted suit, minus the jacket, and his sleeves were rolled up his forearms. His hair was styled and swept back, and as a breeze blew through the window on his left, a waft of cologne hit my nose.

It was definitely him.

When he turned around, those piercing blue eyes locked with mine once more. If I hadn't been paying such close attention to him, I don't know if I would have noticed how his body posture relaxed completely at the sight of me.

"Cyan," he breathed. I felt a knot turn in my stomach at the sound of it, and my eyes floated to the ground. The intensity in the room right now had me wanting to cut it with a knife. He swept his way across the floor over to me and took my hands in his. He was so close, and he smelled so good. Knowing I wouldn't lift my eyes, he took his fingers beneath my chin and lifted mine to meet his.

I had to tear away. I turned and laid my eyes on the balcony, and immediately started out towards it. I rested my hands on the railing, and closed my eyes. The sweet smell of the ocean made me feel briefly like I was back home again, like all this was a dream.

"Why did you run?" His voice came from only inches behind my ear, and I tried not to move. I tried not to breathe. He sounded slightly hurt, like a child. "This is the second time we've met, and I still haven't heard your voice." He spun me around and rested me back against the railing. This time my eyes met his only out of fear. "You're afraid of me," he laughed sickly.

"I'm from another world, Your Majesty," I murmured. His smile fell into fascination at the sound of my voice.

"Damien," he corrected. "You call me Damien." His fingers traced the side of my jaw and fell to my hair as his eyes scanned my face.

"I didn't intend on being your Cinderella. I didn't know who you were, I was in shock, and I knew if I didn't run you wouldn't give me time to process anything." Saying that made it sound like he actually had a chance. I ran because I knew he was a werewolf. I ran because I knew he had power, and he wouldn't hesitate to use it to keep me here. I ran because I didn't ever want to see him again.

"What do you mean?" He inquired.

"Can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me that you would have let me go last night? That you wouldn't have kept me there and marked me right then and forced me head first into your world?" My tone grew more and more infuriated. He simply looked impatient, and I'm sure my babbling wasn't helping my case. I looked like a flimsy human right now, and he was so composed.

"This was a mistake," I mumbled as I pushed past him back into the office.

"What?" he replied in shock. I doubted anyone talked to him like that.

"By royal decree or not, this was a mistake," I repeated more firmly this time. "I need to go," I mumbled. Before I could take another breath, he had me pinned against the wall, with my hands above my head.

"You aren't going to move another inch," his voice grew husky, and I watched his crystal blue eyes begin to cloud.

"Your majesty," I began. I felt the knots in my stomach tangle further at his close proximity.

"Let me make one thing very clear, love, I am the King here, and I, and I alone am in charge. You are going to be a Queen, and a queen cannot rule without her King. You remain here with me."

"Ace said I could go home tonight," I peeked through my eyelashes at him. I doubted he knew mercy, but it was something he would have to learn.

"You're on a first name basis with him now?" He growled.

"He's my best friend's mate, it's not like that." I tried to push him off of me to no avail. "Damien, let me go!"

He weakened at a combination of my touch and his name, and I kept my distance of a few feet from him.

"The bodyguard was right, you can go home. Tomorrow morning, however, you return here with whatever things you insist on bringing with you. Tomorrow, you stay."

"It sounds like captivity," I muttered.

"You're lucky I'm generous to let you leave at all, dressed like that no less." I watched his eyes rake my body as dark swirls overcame the beautiful blue orbs I had seen only moments earlier. As he closed the space between us once more, his towering frame left his lips by my collarbone and he pressed softly, leaving a single kiss. He moved his lips to my hair, and set a kiss upon my head before letting me go. "I'll see you tomorrow, My Queen."

I stumbled out of that office faster than you could possibly imagine. I was flustered and blushing, and that's exactly how he wanted it.

The only thing more terrifying than being mated to a King was knowing he had me right where he wanted me.

Ace was waiting for me patiently, and he looked unhappy at how short our encounter was.

"What went wrong?" he picked up on my mood immediately.

"Ace, I don't want to talk about it--"

"Cyan, what did he say?"

"What makes you think it was me?"

I turned on my heel to see Damien in the doorway. I forgot about the sensitive hearing thing.

"The limousine will drive her home, Ace, you can get to work." There was that good old Alpha possessiveness.

"I'll see you tonight," I promised as I rested my arm lightly on his. A growl erupted from Damien's throat.

"I need him here tonight. You'll see him when you return tomorrow morning."

Neither of us challenged his authority.

I drove home alone and in silence, dreading the hours until the move. I didn't have much to bring with me, honestly. I refused to let him give me any new clothes. Besides that and my sketchbook, I was all set to go. I spent the remainder of my night on the couch beside Alessia, silent as she tried to make me excited about the whole endeavor.

"Ace lives there too, you know. Maybe His Majesty will let me move in, you know, to keep you company? I'm sure he would prefer me in your company over him."

"You're the least jealous wolf I know," I chuckled.

"I trust him, but more importantly I trust you. He's good for you, I would never get in the way of that."

"You two are literally my parents," I smiled at the thought.

"Let's go finish packing. You've got a big day tomorrow."

Of course, I would be moving in on the weekend, which meant more time to spend with my beloved King. As I laid in my bed for what I was sure to be the last time, I didn't catch a wink of sleep. All I could do was pray that the Moon Goddess had made some terrible, terrible mistake.

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