13 // We Meet Again, Miss Sinclair

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I wanted to make this book move really fast, but now I'm not so sure. It was going to be a short story, but I hate reading short stories, I like long books that build up plot and character. So now, it's going to be a longer book. I'm not sure that any of you reading this actually care, but I just thought I'd give you a heads up, or whatever.

Shoutout to the people that commented so this chapter would be up in 3 days instead of 7. I love writing. You rock. There will be another *(IMPORTANT)* author's note at the end that's less rambley. Read it. 

Warning: Mature-ish scenes, if you're under 16, or extremely religious, or uncomfortable in general, scoot your booty over to the next chapter.

It's a long one, kids. Get some popcorn and hunker down. 


"Get up, you two."

I shot up straight in embarrassment to see Lyon leaning against the threshold of the door.

"Lyon!" I screeched. "Don't you knock?"

I turned to see Damien rolling over groggily beside me, shirtless of course.

"Oh please, like you two would be getting hot and steamy in the bedroom. The Council is calling the meeting in an hour, look presentable."

With that, the door clicked softly behind him. I buried my face in my hands, still embarrassed. That man had little to no boundaries. Damien wrapped an arm around my waist, tugging me back down into the sheets.

"We should get ready," I tried to pull away, but he caged himself over my body once more. I felt my breath catch in my throat. His voice was slick with that sexy morning voice, and his tired eyes were glazed with lust once more. His muscles were perfectly flexed--Cyan, what are you talking about? Snap out of it.

"Mmm, or we could skip the meeting and just lay here all day," his hot breath hit my neck as he dipped down, trailing soft kisses along my shoulder. My body couldn't reject him this time. "I could think of a few things we could do." He placed his lips right over my mark.

I meant to object, but it just came out as a moan as my hips rolled up into his and I curled into his touch. A low growl erupted from the back of his throat as one of his hands moved from above my head down to pin my hips beneath him. My eyes were closed. I had never been intimate with a man before, much less a werewolf, much less my mate.

"Open your eyes," he muttered.

I obeyed, wide-eyed as he studied my face.

"I'm going to kiss you," he mumbled.

Before I had a chance to object, his lips were placed softly atop mine. After all the waiting he had done, I thought he would have been a bit more rough. But he wasn't. He was gentle, his lips in rhythm with mine as he dug his hips into mine, making the mattress sink as far as it could. Unknowingly, I spread my legs and trailed my fingers over his abdomen.

He pulled away, leaving us both breathless. I could feel myself going bright red again.

"That was worth the wait, mi amore," he mumbled into my lips.

"W-we should get ready," I scrambled out from underneath him and went to find my clothes.


The room where The Council held their meetings was more intimidating than The Council itself. Damien sat atop a throne in the center, surrounded by a c-shape table that was lined with chairs. Xander sat a few steps below him, looking as calm and evil as ever. The smirk that permanently sat on his face sent chills down my spine. I sat on the very end of The Council table, sending Damien a nervous smile.

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