10 // Beauty & The Beast

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You guys said you wanted to see a chapter in Damien's point of view, and I live to serve, so here we go! Give me your feedback, and I can alternate chapters. 

ONE MORE THING: I know the beginning seems too good to be true in this, so pay attention because there's more than meets the eye.


I had lacked control for most of my life. That lack of control had only magnified when I met Cyan. I would be lying if I said I didn't replay the Coronation Ball over and over in my head. When she bumped into me, I lost control of my reflexes. I fell weak against her, and she ran away before I could do so much as get her name. I memorized the color of her eyes, emerald green to match that flawless brown hair. 

Finding her was easy. 

Of course, the Moon Goddess wasn't going to make it easy on me and give me a she-wolf that eagerly wanted me back, along with the riches, clothing, and travel that came along with being The Queen. She handed me a human reluctant of my entire world. Normal werewolves had mated a few days after finding one another, and here I was, two weeks later, with Cyan expecting us to sleep in separate rooms. 

Of course. 

Her eyes had lit up at the thought of a proper date with me, and I felt nothing but relief. I had scared the living daylights out of this girl since the moment I met her. She wanted nothing to do with me or my world, but I was never a man to take no for an answer.

I walked into her bedroom to see her placed patiently at her vanity, clothed in a long red dress that fell to her feet. Her hair was tied up and tousled with curls, falling over the open back of the gown. She always accused that I lacked being able to restrain myself around her, but she neglected to add that when she dressed like that, she was making it awfully difficult. 

I stayed in the threshold for ten minutes, simply admiring her beauty, until she looked up into the mirror and turned around in fright. 

"I didn't even hear you come in..." she mumbled, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. 

"The guards finished setting it up," 

"Setting it up?" She raised an eyebrow. "I thought we were going out," 

"With all the cameras, werewolves, everything you loathe? Follow me, love," 

I took her hand and led her out through the side door. I had most definitely done my research during this past week, and I continued to take her hand as I led her through the grass. It crept up to our mid calves, and I watched as she lifted the dress to her knees. When we finally made it to our destination, I heard her gasp from behind me. As we made it to the clearing upon the cliff, the trees were laced with twinkle lights, lanterns hanging from the branches. It all illuminated the bistro table set up with a white and red checkered cloth draped over it, with fine food kept warm under metal lids. The sun was cresting on the horizon of the ocean, rays of orange and pink dancing along the rippling water. 

"Damien, this is..."

"All for you," I whispered in her ear, holding her from behind. I dipped my head down and pressed my lips gently against her mark. She stiffened at my touch, but the sunset seemed to relax her. I had no doubt that she was working out how to paint the scene before us in her head. 

"Please, sit," I pulled out one of the two chairs, and she sat gracefully. I saw a tinge of blush on her cheeks. 

"How long have you been planning this?" 

"I had a long week," I shrugged. Guilt immediately flew over my body as I shot my eyes at her. "I'm sorry, I..." 

"Believe me, this makes up for it," she grinned. 

For the first time, this girl, my mate, was smiling at me. Because of me. I hadn't felt this much hope in days

"Does this mean I have a shot?" I asked. 

She was silent as she made her way beside me, looping her arms around my waist. She settled her head into my chest and I felt my pulse quicken at the touch. 

"Thank you, Damien," she mumbled into my shirt. 

"Always, my love," I replied. 

// CYAN'S POV //

*Earlier that night* 

I was curling my hair at my vanity, checking the clock anxiously as I awaited Damien's arrival. The swift sound of my window opening shocked me into pivoting on my chair, and I saw Ace perched on the windowsill. 

"Damien will murder you if he finds you here," I muttered. 

"I'm only here for my brotherly advice, don't worry," he held his hands up in defeat. 

"What," I crossed my arms across my chest, staring worriedly at the doorknob. 

"Go with it," he said. I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. "Whatever Damien has planned today, you go with it, you act like you're swept off your feet." 

"I will do no such thin--" 

"He snapped, Cyan," Ace took command as he stood firmly beside me, towering. "He marked you against your will, and I'm not here to protect you this time. You will be out in the woods, where no one, not even a werewolf, can hear your screams. If you're smart, you won't test his temper. If you're smart, you won't piss him off." 

"Okay," I muttered, looking to the ground. A soft knock on the door made me whirl my head around, but as soon as I looked back to the window, Ace was gone. I rushed to the vanity and heard the door open, but kept my eyes trained on finishing my makeup. 

"I didn't even hear you come in..." 


My skin was crawling. I wanted to slap him, and kick, and scream, and run. He had undressed my body with his eyes, but I had worn the backless dress via Ace's recommendation to please him. If I acted too pleased, Damien would go too far. 

"Are you afraid of me," he muttered at the dinner table. I looked up at him, rigid, as the soft glow of the lanterns and fairy lights around us illuminated his skin. 

"Damien, I..." 

"Tonight has been perfect, Cyan," he said, taking my hand in his from across the table. He let it fall. "Too perfect." 

I swallowed the deathly large lump that was forming in my throat. 


"Don't 'Damien' me," he growled. "Can't you see what I'm trying to do here? I want to give you all of it. I could give you anything you wanted, all the riches, the clothes, the fancy vacations and months spent traveling the world. I could give you the studio of your dreams, and have your work placed next to that of Van Gogh himself, if you would simply let me," the anger was rising, and I watched his face grow red. 

I was silent. I knew anything I said would only anger him further, so I did the only thing that I knew would calm him down. I won't lie to you, I didn't like the man sitting across from me tonight. He was possessive, and controlling, and obnoxiously privileged. But when he pleaded like that with me, I saw a teenage boy who simply wanted what every man on this earth was looking for. 


I rose from my seat at the table, his eyes trained on my every move, and I sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. He quickly snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me in impossibly close. I rested my face in the crook of his neck, and we simply sat there, breathing. I felt his pulse calm, his grip on me loosen. And so Beauty tames the Beast. 

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