34 // The Morning After

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When I awoke the next morning, I was tangled in the silk sheets of Damien's bed. He was shirtless beside me, laying flat on his back with one arm wrapped around my waist as he held me close to him. I was clothed in one of his dress shirts, and a soft smile crept across my lips as I ran through the images in my head from last night. 

"Good morning," his husky morning voice ran shivers down my spine. I looked up to him tentatively. He hadn't marked me, so I knew that there was still a possibility of putting him over the edge. "We had some fun last night, didn't we?" He murmured the words into my neck as he flipped me on my back, caging himself in over me. 

"Mhmm," I agreed with a smile as I cupped his face with my hands. "Good morning to you too." 

"I'm so relieved to have you back, love," he muttered. I kissed his cheek in response. 

Things were...better. We seemed to be back to our old ways. He made me breakfast in the morning, we slept beside another again. As perfect as the world around me seemed once more, I knew our mirage would be shattered when he wanted to mark me again. It wasn't that I didn't want that bond with him, but if we had it without the physical mark, what was the point? 

"Your time is almost up, Cyan," 

I looked up from my cup of coffee to see Lyon hovering over the coffee pot. I had pulled an all nighter painting, it was nearly four in the morning now. 

"What are you doing up so early?" I inquired. 

"I heard you get up, werewolf hearing and all that. I am the head of security, after all. Have you given it any more thought?" 

"Damien is the obvious choice," I refused to make eye contact with him. 

"But you felt like you never really explored things with Xander." 

"Xander stole me from the palace, and tricked me into getting my mark removed. What I felt for him was nothing more than lust," I muttered. "When do I have to present myself in front of the Council with my decision?" 

"They will meet with you after dinner tomorrow evening," he eyed me down nervously, as if he was trying to read my true intentions. 

I took my coffee and rose from my barstool, taking it out to the gardens. I regretted my all-nighters later in the day, but watching the sunrise was something that made it worth it every time. I liked being awake before the rest of the world. 

I felt a hand trace along my collarbone and a shiver trickled down my spine. 

"What are you doing up so early?" I recognized his voice. 

"Talking to Lyon about my meeting with the Council tomorrow evening," I smiled softly up at him. My eyes were tired, I needed sleep. I expected to feel him stiffen, but was simply met with his tattooed chest pressing against my back. He pulled my knuckles to his lips, and pressed a soft kiss before wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"So you've made a decision," he murmured into my shoulder. 

"I have," I replied. 

"Well I have a surprise for you all day Saturday, so you're mine," he squeezed me tightly as he burrowed his head into my neck, turning me around as he placed kisses all over my face. "All of Friday night too, for that matter." 

I let out a yawn, wiping my eyes. 

"Did you even sleep last night?" 

"I was gonna go do that now," 

"When do you want me to wake you up?" 

"Noon, please," I sent him a sleepy smile, leaving a kiss on his cheek before brushing by him. He held onto my upper arm loosely, twirling me back. 

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