37 // The Eve

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The wedding was approaching much more rapidly than I had anticipated. There was only a week left, and Alessia had spent most of this week and last running around getting all the arrangements fixed. Honestly, all I was nervous for was the honeymoon. I had absolutely no clue what to expect after our marriage. 

Alessia burst through the doors of my studio, making me jump and nearly spill my mason jar of turpentine. 

"Finally!" She shrieked. I raised an eyebrow at her. "The flower arrangements are being refrigerated, and everything is order, the cake delivery is on Tuesday, everything is falling together for my best friend's wedding." 

I wanted to act excited, but right now I was just a bride worried sick with cold feet. Marriage didn't matter as much in the werewolf world, because mates were for life. You didn't have to worry about your significant other cheating. In the human world, however, marriage was a big freaking deal. Marriage was forever. It couldn't be undone, you couldn't go back. (I mean, you could, but you get the point.) 

"You're worried about your wedding night, aren't you." Alessia read my expression perfectly. 

"What kind of bride is nervous to be on a boat alone with her husband? A crazy one, that's who," I sighed and set my brush down in the jar, walking to the curtains that tucked the sunshine away as I threw them open. She stepped in front of me, blocking the sunshine as she set her hands on her hips. 

"Are you sure about this, Cy?" her voice was barely a whisper. 

"I'm not going back on my word, Alessia," 

"Shut up about your goddamn human integrity and tell me what your heart wants." 

"My heart wants more than three months to decide on who I'm going to be with for the rest of my life!" I couldn't help but hiss the words out. 

"Damien loves you, Cyan, and he will forever." 

"That's what I'm afraid of," I mumbled. "Humans don't love forever. Humans fall in and out of love depending on the day, and there are mistakes and fights. That's why humans have always been so terrified of the werepeople. You guys love, and you love fiercely and without hesitation." 

"Is there something wrong with that?" She furrowed her brow. 

She was looking at me as if I were insane, and maybe I was. Maybe they loved the way that people were meant to be loved. Love shouldn't have hesitation, or conditions, and it certainly shouldn't be second guessed. I suppose they take comfort in knowing that this person was destined for them, but humans don't have that luxury. So I had to decide who I believed more in right now, the Moon Goddess of my own heart. 


Before I knew it, it was the Eve of the wedding. I hadn't seen Damien since yesterday, and I had hardly seen him at all this week. He wanted to increase the drama of the wedding I suppose; put on a show for the people. I was sitting in front of my vanity, staring at the hung dresser on the lace divider beside me. Tomorrow, I would be wearing that. Tomorrow, I would be Damien's wife. I would be the Luna of all the Luna's. I would be Queen. 

I'm so sorry that it's such a short chapter, but I'M BACK GUYS! I'm so excited to do the big wedding scene, and from here on out I'll probably be uploading twice to three times a week, so be sure to hit that favorite button and leave a comment about how excited you are for the wedding <3 



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