9 // Pulled

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Much to my joy, after Damien's little incident, he wasn't allowed to leave the castle without "supervisors," as The Council chose to call it. This meant that Ace had the pleasure of accompanying us, while Beta Lyon stayed back at the Royal Home to keep up with Damien's responsibilities. 

"You know, I would be complaining a lot more if you and Damien actually got along, but thankfully I won't have to witness any PDA from you two," he scoffed. 

"He mentioned..." 

"Don't even say it out loud, Cy," Ace rested his hand on my shoulder. I lifted my eyes to meet his, which were laced with concern. "If he tries anything, The Council will have him exiled by the afternoon." 

"They can't, and we both know it!" I shook his hand off of my shoulder, turning to face him fully. By now, I was livid. "We both know that Damien can take me against my will as many times as he pleases, and The Council can hold a phony trial all they want, but he will never lose his rank. It's in his blood. Without him, they wouldn't have a leader," I spat. 

"They're trying, you know how hard having a democracy is when your entire species is based on hierarchy?" 

"There's no point in trying, Ace. This is my life now," I panned my arms out around me.

"I won't let him hurt you, and you know that," he assured me. 

He fell silent, and I stiffened. I knew what that meant, Damien was coming. Ace and I had been waiting patiently on the steps of the Royal Home, and he finally emerged from the grand doors behind us. 

Damien was, needless to say, a little pissed off about The Council's arrangement. He had arranged a separate car for Ace for the short thirty minute drive back to my house, and on top of that, had also arranged for him to say in my parent's guest house a short walk off the property. Ace wasn't idiotic enough to argue, but if this protective brother attitude continued, he would spend his nights sleeping in the bushes under my window. 

He opened the door for me, and I sent him a nervous smile as I ducked into the car. He swept in smoothly beside me, and intertwined his fingers with mine. I went rigid, but then relaxed at the most platonic gesture he had ever given me. He smiled in what seemed like victory, happy that I wasn't peeling away from his touch for once. 

It was simple silence until we got to my home, and Damien was right. I did feel more comfortable going home, I felt like I had more control. I knew it was an illusion, but it was one I was happy to take part in. 

"Can I see it?" he asked, once we made it to the door. I looked back at him, confused. 

"See what?" 

"The studio. Your real one." 

Now a small smile escaped my lips. I might have been terrified at the sight of him, but I was a sucker when it came to people wanting to look at my artwork. 

My studio at home didn't compare to the one that Damien had given me, but my work lined these rooms. Paintings of beaches, the cliff that my house would overlook, you name it. I turned to him, and for one, the Alpha King was speechless. As I turned my attention back to my work, I felt his arms wrap around me from behind. He rested his lips in the crook of my neck, right over my mark. I felt a wave of pleasure flow through my body. I stepped away suddenly, looking at him wide eyed. 

"What on earth was that?" 

He chuckled. 

"You feel it now," he said obviously. 

"What?" My confused look only deepened. 

"The intensity of being in the same room as me, the pleasure you get every time I touch you, I've felt that since the moment you bumped into me on the day of my Coronation. For werewolf mates, the mark is just a matter of sealing your fate, but with human-werewolf pairings, it's more. You feel the mate pull now." He took a step closer, sealing the air between us. "Can I kiss you, Cyan?" 

My name now sounded like magic dripping off his tongue. I closed my eyes as I remembered what Alessia told me in the Council Meeting the other day. 

"No," I answered firmly. His intrigue with me was quickly turning into impatience. "Werewolves may not be able to resist the mate pull, but humans can." 

"Why would you deny yourself this?" He took my hand in his again, and I felt the sparks dance over my skin. My brain screamed for my body to move, to go anywhere but here. I should run out of this house and never look back. But my body didn't move as he lowered his lips to mine, and when it did, it only moved to wrap my arms around his neck. He lifted my legs to wrap around his waist as he moved to the couch in my studio, leaving me straddling him. I blushed, I had no clue what I was doing, or why I was doing it. 

We moved in sync, and he gripped my thighs tightly. His lips moved down my jawline to my neck, and when they rested on the mark, I threw my head back in complete and utter euphoria, letting out a soft moan. His hands moved up the skirt of my dress, tugging on the black lace I wore underneath. 

"N-n-no," I murmured, squirming away from him. Before I knew it, he was flipped on top of me, dominating my every move. 

"If you think just touching me feels good, what comes next is amazing," his voice was husky with lust. I didn't want this. I didn't want this. I didn't want this. 

"Ace!" I screeched. 

In a matter of moments, the door had been ripped off its hinges, and Ace had Damien pinned on the floor. Even though Ace was a werewolf, Damien was stronger, and before I knew it, he had him in a chokehold. 

"She's mine," he growled. He didn't even sound human anymore. I scooted as far back into the couch cushions as I possibly could, stunned. 

"The Council said," Ace breathed out. 

"I don't care what The Council said, Ace, are we clear? You are to obey the orders of your King, and I'm ordering you to f*ck off." 

His eyes were a glazed black as his gaze shot up at me. As Ace shuffled beneath him, he tumbled him towards the legs of the coffee table with disgust. 

"I want you out of this house within the next 10 minutes, and unless you want your tongue chopped off for disobedience, you won't come back."

I kept my eyes trained on my feet as Ace rose from his position on the floor, and left silently. I'm not sure if he looked at me before he left, and I'm not sure if I would be able to look back. He made a promise, but he also respected the authority of his superiors.  Damien sat on the edge of the sofa in a heaving mess, running his hands through his hair repeatedly. I held onto my legs tightly as I remained curled in a ball. 

"I'm trying, Cy," 

"I would like you to go," I murmured. 

"Please, just one chance," he pleaded. 

"This back and forth is killing me, Damien!" I rose from my seat, my hands crossed over my chest. "You always say you want to make it up to me, but the only reason that you want to do that is because you mess it up in the first place." 

"Clearly, the werewolf way of things isn't working out for us. So I want to try it your way." 

I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"A date." 

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