Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

"We're going to hit the old lady's car!" Jasper yelled.

"No we aren't!" I turned around to say.

"Pay attention to the road!"

I turned my back on him and I tried to do as he said. Though it wasn't easy to pay attention when I could feel his lips grazing my ear when he spoke and the warmth radiating from his arms which were wrapped tightly around my torso.

"And while you're at it, can you stick to the speed limit?" He added.

"We need to get there in time! Wait, are you telling me you never break traffic rules? Do you have any bad habits at all?"


"Damn. I thought I was dating a bad boy." I sighed, trying not to laugh.

"I might not be bad, but I'll be bad enough for you." He teased.

"You just had to put a song lyric into the conversation, didn't you?"

"Take a right here."

I swerved violently, nearly throwing us off the bike.

"Alexandra Creek." His voice was low, which meant that he was being serious. There was also the fact that he was using my full name. "If you don't slow down, I swear I'm going to jump off."

"Fine." I huffed. "You don't have to be so dramatic. It's not like I'm going to get us killed."

"We just avoided hitting a car, a cyclist and a truck."

"At least we didn't hit them." I raised a hand and waved it in the air to illustrate my point.

"Put your hand back!"

I did as he told, and smiled as we continued to race towards our destination, albeit at a slower pace.

When we reached our destination, Jasper almost fell off while trying to descend.

"I never want to do that again." He said as he struggled to maintain his balance.

"Suit yourself. Next time, I might just take another boy who is interested in me." I flounced away to the entrance which was marked by a banner anouncing that the competition called 'Beat It' was taking place inside.

"Wait, what?"

"Just kidding."

"You're not going to let me forget that for a long time, are you?" He was referring to the time he had said just that after pretending not to return my feelings.

We reached the ticket counter, which was closed. A burly man was standing next to it, guarding the entrance.

"Can we get through? We're part of one the bands performing." I spoke.

"No late entries." The man shook his head.

"You don't understand. Most of our band is already inside. They need us." Jasper tried to explain.

The man just crossed his arms and tried to look menacing.

Then my eyes fell on the girl who was walking by behind him.

"You see that girl?" I asked him, an idea forming in my mind.

He turned around but said nothing.

"That's my friend Kayla. She's single and I'm sure she will be more than happy if I found her a guy who's her type."

His expression turned to one of shock when I said that he was her type. I continued pressing the matter.

"Yes, she likes... bald guys. You have a spectacularly shiny head. I could give you her number if you would just let us through."

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