CHP 30: DON'T GO...

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Addys pov:

I woke up from my sleep due to the call i was getting from an unidentified number. I saw the clock to find out it was 6 in the morning.

Who the hell calls someone at 6 in the morning.

I answered the phone annoyed.

"what!" I whisper shouted at the caller.

" well,well, well who do we have here the son of a billionaire and CEO of the multinational companies" the male voice said.

" I know who I am, but thanks for the introduction"I muttered annoyed.

" now let's come to the point " he said

" well I will be more than happy if you do, because if it's some kind of prank call or anything I will make sure you won't be able to sleep peacefully for rest of your life"

" I know, I know, what you are capable of and I definitely have a news for you" he said.

"just say already" I said yawning.

"That girl,your so called sweet fiancee is cheating on you" he said and I was now fully awake.

"what did you just say" I growled and went towards balcony when Aisha stirred in her sleep.

" well I just said, what you have listened and which made you so angry" the voice said Laughing.

"she. is.not" I said firmly.

"how can you say this?" he asked.

"Because I trust her and I know she is not cheating on me. Well I don't know who you're but I would just like to give you a piece of advice. GET A LIFE AND STOP INTERFERING IN MINE" I said and ended the call.
Going back inside as I laid next to Aisha I couldn't help but think about what that mysterious guy told. Aisha was cheating on me?
she won't do it,will she?
Nah she won't. My mind answered.

But she can, knowing what a pathetic kind of person I am, knowing I can't even help myself how will I help her.
She deserve someone who can keep her happy ,not the one who can't even keep his shit together. not the one who had some kind of dark past. She can't always be sun, bright and powerful during my dark days.

"Shut up" I could here Aishas voice saying to me in my mind and it automatically brought a smile on my face. She would definitely say this if she knew what I was thinking.

I turned to look towards Aisha, sleep long gone.

"you won't cheat on me will you?" I whispered.

Why don't you do something which makes her realized how much you love her.

I looked at the clock to find it was already 7 o'clock. I got an idea and decided to implement it. I called one of my chef friend who stayed in India and gladly he answered the call.

" hey Addy what's up ? Why are you calling so early in morning?" He asked.

"well hello to you too" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah sorry just got worried as to why you are calling me so early in the morning, while here i am preparing to go to sleep"

"It must be late night over there?" I asked.

" Yeah"

"Did I disturb you?" I asked.

" I wasn't doing anything important except if you consider watching movies as important" he said.

" well I need a small favor from you"

"well what did you do now?" He asked amused.

"I just want to give her a surprise breakfast" I said feeling awkward knowing I never did any thing like this for anyone.

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