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Those twins are useless. They clearly know something that would be beneficial to me. This whole situation is just annoying. I finished all my homework that is due tomorrow already. I am not going to bother doing assignments that are due in a couple of days. I rather spend more time figuring out where my memories went.

I lie in bed hoping to get some sleep. I close my eyes and drift away.


I-I am back home.

I am sitting outside my house's front steps.  I can't control my movements. Is this a memory? I can't tell. Wesley's car is gone so I assume that he went to work. I am wearing my ripped black jeans and my gray shirt with a little alien patch. I am also wearing my low cut white converse.

I see the twins walking my way and I instantly panic.  I start to walk over to them and I have no idea why. I can't stop myself.

"Hey," Ethan says with the biggest smile. He gives me a hug and I hug him back. What is going on here?

I turn to Grayson and give him a hug too. Someone stop me!

"Are you ready to learn how to skateboard?" Ethan asks me. 

"Yes! I have been waiting for so long," I say back. I can feel a smile on my face. 

We walk to the end of the street. It is empty because cars rarely come down this street. I am surprised I remember that. The conversation is a blur, nothing makes sense. Actually, a lot of things around me are blurred, street names, house numbers, things like that. 

Ethan helps me onto the skateboard. He places his hands around my stomach and helps me move forward. Why am I so comfortable with this?

"Yes Han! Soon you will be a pro," Grayson yells. I start to laugh. 

Ethan does not say anything because he is concentrating. I can tell he doesn't want me to fall. 

Everything goes blurry. 

I am now standing on the side of the street watching the twins do tricks on their skateboards. What just happened? It is like I skipped a part of this memory... if i can call this a memory. 

"Han can you take a picture of us?" Ethan asks. "This will be such a cool shot."

I take his phone from him and wait for them to skate down the hill. I squat down so I can get a cool angle. I take a picture once they pass me but when they do, Grayson falls over. I run to go help him but I freeze up. 

Everything around me goes blurry again. Slowly, everything turns white. I slowly get up. I turn around and I am surrounded by white and only white. I can finally control my actions. 

"HELLO!" No one answers back. I continue to walk around but nothing is changing. I feel like I am stuck in a never ending white box. I am all alone.

"Help me Johanna," said a voice. I cannot make out who it is.

"Hello?" I ask. 

"Find me Johanna," said the voice again. I can't make out who it is. 

I place my hands at the sides of my head and shut my head.

" I know you will find me. I know you will." The voice is getting louder and louder. 

I remove my hands from my head and my fangs seep out. I can feel my eyes change colour and my claw come out. I drop to my knees and roar.



I shoot up into a sitting position on my bed, my new bed. I look at the alarm and notice that it is 6:59am. One minute before my alarm. That dream, was it a memory? The voice, who was saying those things?


I turn my alarm off and get out of bed. I look at my side table and take the letter that Wesley wrote to me. I walk across the room and open my backpack. 

I am going to show them this letter. Maybe then they will give me some answers.

Blurred MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now