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"Ms., can I fill up my water bottle?" I ask Ms. Taylor. I am currently in my communication technology class. Grayson does not sit near me which makes it easier for me to avoid him... but I do not want to ignore those twins anymore.

"Yep," Ms. Taylor says. I grab my reusable water bottle and walk to the hallway.

I walk up to the water fountain and fill up my water bottle. I hear footsteps which causes me to turn around. I see Grayson walking up to me with his water bottle.

"Wow, she let you out at the same time as me?" I asked. Ms. Taylor never lets two people out at the same time.

"Did you have a dream last night?" He asks ignoring my question. 

"...yes..." I say back slowly.

"Did it take place in the forest?"

"Yes..." I say cautiously. It is like he knows I had this specific dream last night. "Why are you asking these questions?"

I close the lid of my water bottle and move aside so he can fill up his bottle. I lean against the wall beside the fountain. He opens his lid and starts to fill up his bottle. 

"Ethan took us to the forest because he had a dream a few nights' prior about that forest. When we got there nothing happened, until we both felt a pain in our stomachs. We both passed out."

"That is what happened in my dream."

"It wasn't a dream," he says closing his bottle and looking up at me. "That was a memory. We still don't know why that happened."

"What are you trying to say Gray?"

"It means something. We all had that same dream last night." Grayson looks as if he just came up with his master plan.

"What if you are overthinking this?" I am trying to view this in a realistic point of view. "We could just be gaining the connection we all once had which causes us to have the same dreams."

"It was a memory, not a dream."

"What happened after we both passed out that day?"

"You woke up a couple of hours later and apparently, you helped Ethan bring me back home. I woke up a day after."

"You have no idea why that happened?"

"No, but I have a feeling we are about to find out."

I just look at him with amazement.

"We need to all talk about it during lunch; all three of us."

We walk back to class together where we split off to our individual seats.

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