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Cold air fill up my lungs and the bright light burn my eyes. I'm alive. I lift my arms above my head and examine the fingers. I form them into fists and feel the pressure within them. I don't feel cold like I did before. I am laying on... my bed. My original bed, I am home.

"HAN!" I look to my side and see Ethan running up to me. I pull myself into a sitting position and he hugs me. He takes me into a standing position and I let him warmth take over my body. The pressure of his body against mine makes me feel safe. 

"I knew you would wake up," he whispers into my ear. "I have been waiting for two weeks now."

I pull away but his arms are still around me. I wrap my fingers around his face and admire him. 

"Two weeks?" I whisper back to him. 

"She has wolfs bane on her claws but it didn't affect her. She stabbed you in the stomach but you still managed to recover."


"He was buried already in a werewolf traditional funeral. It was only Wesley and I that-"

"I am so sorry Ethan," I say back. I can feel the guilt at the back of my throat. Tears start to form in my eyes. 

"It was bound to happen, don't you remember. Wesley and I figured it out."


"You remember when we all had the memory given back to us, the one of us in the forest. You and Grayson fainted and Grayson woke up much later than you did. It was a foreshadow of his... how he was going to die. It was determined way before all of this happened."

"So we couldn't have stopped it?"

"It is a blessing and a curse. To be able to be connect, to see the past, and the future. At the time we didn't know it but now it is clear. I know he is watching over us and is proud of how far we made it."

"But I still don't understand."

"The connection we had when you were on your way to get me. We were in a funeral home and Grayson wasn't talking the whole time. It was because the casket was his. He was going to die."

"How are you so calm about this?"

"I know that he will always be with us no matter what. We are safe now and I know he is happy. I also know that he would want us to be happy, don't you think?"

I think about this for a minute. How was I not able to put these pieces together? How was I not able to see this before it happened? 

The door opens and Wesley comes into my room and I can't help but to run to him. I jump into his arms and he hugs me back. He pulls me away and I can see tears rushing down his face. 

"Johanna, how happy I am to finally see you again whole and well." 

"I missed you Wesley."

"I missed you to Hannah." He pulls me into another hug. 


Three weeks has passed by since I have waken up. I have allowed myself to settle with the loss of Grayson. It will still be hard not having him around. I still have nightmares of his death and long nights. Sometimes I can hear Ethan crying from the other room. 

I walk into the kitchen and Wesley and Ethan are there. Wesley looks at me with worry and then looks at Ethan. 

"Can you give us a minute Ethan?" Wesley asks. I get a little confused. 

"Sure," he says walking up to his room.

"Is there something you need to tell me Wes?" I ask slowly taking a seat in front of him. 

"You father is alive, you know that," he says which gets my heart racing.

"Yes I do know that."

"He was the reason why I was able to afford everything you had growing up. How I was able to pay for the bills and the house. He was filling up my bank account with money for years."

I look at him with slight anger and slight confusion. 

"Why are you telling me this now?"

"I thought you deserved to know everything now."

"All of a sudden I am worthy aren't I?"

"He left because he wanted to protect you but your mother almost killed him multiply times. Trust me when I say that he love you very much and is willing to meet with you whenever you would like to."

I get off my chair and walk away from the counter. I take a few breathers and let myself relax.

"Wesley, I love and appreciate you for everything you do but I don't think I am ready."

"You don't have to rush this okay. He will always be ready to meet you."


Another week passes by and I think I am ready to confront Ethan about my feelings. This whole adventure I have be gaining memories about him, about us and I still am to this day. 

We are sitting on a bench facing the community river near our house. No one comes here because everyone is afraid to. I look at his eyes and he looks into mine. 

"Ethan, you know how I feel about you. I have been remembering us and growing up with you and Gray and I think I feel the same... I mean I know I feel the same. I guess what I am trying to say is-"

He interrupts me with a kiss. His face gives off warmth against my face. I pull back and smile. I see him smiling back at me. "I feel the same way Han," he whispers back. He pulls me in for another kiss. I could never feel so much fulfilled in my life.

It was like, in this very moment, all my blurred memories came back to me. 

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