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Grayson and I have found ourselves stuck in the middle of a white hallway. I usually find myself in an empty white space in my dreams, but there are walls and gaps that are easy to point out. It is hard to comprehend what is going on. We were just in the forest and now, Gray and I find ourselves in this white never-ending hallway.

"Where are we?" Grayson asks looking around. 

"We are dreaming," I say as I turn to face him. "This happens when I am having a dream. I am in one place and then all of a sudden, I find myself in an empty white space. Usually there isn't any walls though, just white."

"That's strange," he says walking down the hall. I follow him but there is clearly no end.

Ethan finds his way back into my thoughts. Where could he have gone, and who could have taken him? Maybe, just maybe, I can find a way to connect with Ethan. He can tell us where he is, and we will be able to save him. I connected with Wesley in my dreams before; for sure I can connect with Ethan. 

"Grayson," I say coming to a stop. "In my dreams, when I find myself stuck in the white space, I was able to hear voices. I heard Wesley's voice and you guys told me it was a connection. Maybe we can-"

"Connect with Ethan," he says completing my sentence. 

He looks down the hallway and grips his chin with his right hand. I stare at him waiting for him to come up with an idea on how we can connect with Ethan. 

"We have to roar," he says.

"Roar?" I ask him in a baffled tone.

His fangs start to slowly seep out of his mouth. His eyes change color from brown to a bright yellow. I can hear his breathing getting louder and louder.

"Together," he says staring at me.

I feel obligated to do the same now. I let my fangs seep out and let my eyes change color. I look up at Grayson and see that he is looking at me with a surprised look on his face.

"Together," I say back to him.

"Okay," he says in almost a whisper. "1....2...3." We roar as loud as we can making sure somehow Ethan can hear us. 

We come to an end and silence takes over again. I turn around trying to look for any signs but there is nothing. I look at Grayson who looks exhausted. I sit down on the floor and stare at the ground. I let my eyes color change back, and let my fangs seep back into my gums. I look back up and watch as Grayson sits down about six feet away from me.

As minutes go by and feeling of defeat overtakes my body. I don't know where Ethan is, and I promised to save him. He was scared when I saw him in my dream. The thought of Ethan being locked up somewhere alone, hopeless, and afraid haunts me. 

Grayson and I remain silent. I think the feeling of defeat has hit him as well. 

"Trapped," a voice says extremely faintly. I shoot up and onto my feet. It was Ethan's voice. 

"Gray, did you hear-"

"Shhhhhhh listen."

I wait for the voice to come back. My heart starts to race because Ethan is out there talking to us. 

"I'm trapped," the voice mumbles. "I am – home – brought me – home."

I look at Grayson who slowly gets up from the floor. 

"Home?" Grayson whispers to me.

"Stay safe – danger – I'm fine – promise." Ethan's voice keeps cutting out making it hard to understand what he is saying. 

"Are you hurt?" I ask out loud. 

"No," Ethan says. This makes me feel somewhat better about this situation. 

"Where are you Ethan?" Grayson asks next. It sounds as if he is going to cry.

"Far - I am back – with Wesley," Ethan replys. Is he with Wesley? If so, how? This comment blows me away. 

A massive headache forms and I start to get dizzy. I place both my hands on the sides of my head. A bright light shines in front of my eyes. I block it with my arm but it is not going away. I am drifting away. I think I am waking up. I do not want to wake up. I want to talk to Ethan and collect more information. 

"Ethan," I manage to say. "I am keeping my promise. I am coming to get you."  

"Don't hurt - miss you - together," he says back. 

I drift away escaping the white hallway. Leaving Ethan. 

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