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The sun shines through the windows on this jeep which wakes me up, just like in my dream. I jerk to left to see if Grayson is still here. He is laying down in his seat which has been placed in a laying position. I guess he decided to take a break himself. This road doesn't seem busy anyways, so he made a safe move.

I grab the handle on the side of my seat and pull it upward to put my seat back to its original position. I am trying to make as minimum of noise as possible. I look forward through the front window remembering how Ethan looked walking away. I open the door of the jeep to my left slowly so I can get out and get fresh air. I let my feet hang on the side of the door. I can feel the cold air filling up the jeep. I am starting to get cold.

"Good morning," Grayson says which startles me. "Didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright," I say back, laughing it off.

"You can get a sweater or something," he says pulling his car back to a sitting position. "Hopefully you brought one."

"Yeah, of course I brought one," I say smiling. I noticed that Grayson already has his olive-green jacket on.

I jump out and shut the door. I open the back-passenger door. I pull my duffle bag towards me and unzip the top zipper. I pull out my black jacket that has a huge hood attached to it. It is not a heavy jacket so I won't be hot in it. I slip it on and close my bag. I walk to the front passenger seat and sit down shutting the door beside me.

"Did you...," Grayson says holding himself back from finishing his sentence.

"Did I see Ethan last night?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says in a whisper.

"He was right there," I say pointing to the road in front of the jeep. "I was chasing him. He couldn't hear me and-and something was stopping me from touching him. A gust of wind blew me back, but it's all good. He ended up finding my voice and tried to communicate with me."

"What did he say?"

"At first, he pointed ahead which means we are going the right way. He struggled to speak to me and his veins in his arms started to pop out. I felt a tingling in my arms as his veins were popping out. He was in pain."

"They are torturing him!" Grayson yells in frustration.

"Yes, and he said that if they find out that he can connect to us, they will torture him just to get to us. He said that we should go back home."

"I DONT CARE JOHANNA!" Grayson yells putting all his anger out on me.

"I don't care either!" I yell back, just not as loud. "I told him that we are still going to find him and save him, no matter what."

My heart starts to ache a little bit. Knowing that someone, somewhere is hurting Ethan kills me. I can tell that Grayson is pissed. He starts the car and starts driving. We sit in silence listening to nothing but our own individual thoughts.

"Anything else happened in your dream?" Grayson asks pushing away his emotions.

"I heard Wesley. He knows that we are coming no matter what, but he also mentioned that it is going to be dangerous. We have to prepare ourselves," I say back holding back my tears. I am not the one to cry.

"Does he know who took Ethan?"

"He said that we will find out soon. I wondering why he won't tell me."

"He is useless. Shit"

"Grayson, we will find him. I know it," I say back even though I am not completely sure. I know deep in my heart that this trip won't be an easy one, but that won't stop us from finding Ethan.

"Ethan was sitting in a dark room in my dream," Grayson says.


"He was sitting in a chair with his arms and legs strapped to the chair. His head was down and he never made eye contact with me. When I unstrapped him, he just fell to the floor. He wouldn't move nor speak."

"He was okay in my dream which means your dream could've just been a nightmare."

"Or your dream could've been a fake, reassuring one to make you feel comfortable about this whole situation," Grayson says back trying to make a point. I know he is holding back his tears but I don't mind.

"My dream was true; I know it," I say placing my hand on his right thigh. "I promise."

"You probably don't remember, but you always made promises that you never broke. This might just be the first promise you might have to break."

I don't know how to respond to this. I fold my hands on my lap and look at the road ahead. We are now on a clear road with less trees around us.

I know that the promises will not break. The promise I made to Ethan about finding him. The promise I made to Grayson about my dream being true. Those are not broken promises. I will make sure they stay true.  

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