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I am currently 25 years old. I married Ethan Grant Dolan and invited my father to the wedding. He came and so did Wesley. I got to finally meet my father and marry the love of my life. 

I am pregnant with my first child who I am willing to give my alpha powers to if it comes down to it. I promise to treat this child with all the care in the world. I will love this child and never abandon my child. When my child needs me I will be there and when he need Ethan, he will be there. 

Ethan and I have agreed on two names. For a girl we will name it Bailey King-Dolan, named after Grayson's middle name with a combination of both of our last names. For a boy it will be Grayson Wesley King-Dolan, for obvious reasons. 

Wesley now works for a retail company full time and has found happiness in doing so. My father still helps him out with money but Wes knows how to take care of himself. I love Wesley and try to visit him as much as I can. 

Ethan is slowly becoming an engineer and I choose to go into marketing. With a child on the way we are more focused on caring for this child. 

Life has been great. All my memories are back. At night I still dream about Grayson and the memories we made as children. I don't cry thinking of him anymore because I know he is happy and pain free. As for my mother, I smile thinking about her death. As dark as it may seem, I am glad she is truly gone from my life. 

Life shall go on and I hope that my child will get to live the life that I only dreamed that I could've lived. 

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