Chapter 1

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You walked down the hallway with your best friend, Hannah Abbot. She stops in front of the library.

"Well, Ernie is waiting for me. See you (y/n)!" She calls, and goes to join her boyfriend. You sigh and walk back to the Hufflepuff common room.

"(L/n)." Draco greets you shortly as you walk past him. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion but answer him.

"Hello Draco." You reply, and continue back to the common room. The room is empty except for Cedric Diggory. You turn red and try to leave, but he sees you.

"Hey (y/n)!" He smiles.

"O-oh hey Cedric. What's up?" You ask, taking a seat on the couch.

"Well... I'm trying to decide whether to join the tournament this year." He explains.

It was your fourth year at Hogwarts, and Cedric's seventh. Even though he was 3 years above you, you've had a crush on him since second year. He helped you get on the Quidditch team and he was the kindest person you knew.

"It's dangerous, but if you're up for the challenge you should totally do it!" You encourage. Cedric smiles.

"You know what, I will. Thanks (y/n)!" He says, then rushes out of the common room, probably to the great hall. You sigh in relief, then soon decide to find someone to talk to.

As you wander through the halls, you run into Draco Malfoy yet again. He smirks at you.

"What're you doing?" He asks. You raise an eyebrow.

"Umm... walking? Did I do something?" You ask, backing away slightly. You knew how he acted towards Potter, you didn't want to become one of Draco's enemies.

"Nope, just trying to make conversation." He says. You nod and notice that his two friends aren't with him for once.

"So... I thought you hated muggleborns... why are you talking to me?" You ask awkwardly, then mentally curse yourself. You weren't very good at talking to people. Draco's eyes darken.

"Because I can mudblood. I can do what I want." He snaps. You back away, startled.

"Okay, sorry to anger you, I was just curious. I.... I'm gonna go." You say, then run before he can see the tears in your eyes.

You stand by the wall and try to stop the tears. He only called you a name! But of course, you were easily upset, stupid hormones, and hated to be scolded or disliked. You take a deep breath.

"Okay." You whisper to steady yourself. You hear footsteps and laughter behind you and run off before someone notices your tear stained face.

You hide in an empty classroom as the people walk by.

"So Ced, what convinced you to put your name in?" Someone asks.

"I was talking to (y/n) (l/n), she convinced me." He answered. Someone laughs.

"The fourth year? You know she has a huge crush on you right?" The person says. You gasp. How did they know?

"Shut up guys it's fine." Cedric says quickly, and soon, they're out of hearing distance.

Cedric knew. Of course he knew, you were awful at being discreet. You groan.

"My life is over." You say to yourself. You trudge back to the common room, deciding to wait for Hannah to tell her about your horrible day.


Hannah walks in an hour later, laughing and holding hands with Ernie.

"Well, see you." She smiles at him, then takes a seat next to you.

"What's wrong?" She asks immediately. You smile at her ability to understand you, and tell her everything.

"Of course Cedric knows, you make it obvious!" She laughs. You groan again.

"Oh hush (y/n), it will be fine. He probably doesn't care anyway, which isn't ideal but at least he won't act weird around you." She smiles. You nod.

"Okay, you're right." You say.

"And about Malfoy, he's a git, just ignore him." She laughs. You join her.

"Thank you for being fabulous my friend." You joke.

"It's my job." She says, and then the two of you walk together to dinner.


You got there a bit late, and there's space for two people left.

One seat is by Ernie, the other by Cedric.

Hannah smirks at you and runs to Ernie. You freeze in panic.

Perfect. You think sarcastically. You take a seat next to him, and he smiles warmly at you as his friends smirk. You look down at your plate and try not to turn red.

His friends notice that you won't make eye contact, so they start messing with you.

"Hey Ced, did you hear there's a 4th year with a huge crush on you?" One says, trying to catch you off guard. You suck in a breath, but just roll your eyes.

"Guys come on-" Cedric starts.

"She's liked you for years, how sweet!" One of his friends cuts him off, mocking you. You clench your jaw.

"You're probably all she thinks about Ced." Another says. That was the last straw. You calmly get up and walk back to the common room. When you get there, you bury your face in your hands.

A few moments later, someone comes in. You look up to see Cedric.

Of course.

"Hey (y/n)." He greets with a friendly smile.

"Hey." You say shyly, not looking him in the eye.

"Umm... look... so I know my friends were talking about you..." he starts. You laugh.

"I figured." You say, still not looking at him.

"Well... I just wanted you to know that... it.. uh... doesn't bother me." He says unsurely. You nod silently. That wasn't quite what you were hoping to hear.

"Sorry, let me try again. I like you too." He laughs. Your head snaps toward him.

"W-what?" You ask, bewildered. How could this perfect 7th year who could have any of the girls from Beaxbatons like you?

"Do I really have to repeat myself?" He laughs awkwardly. You shake your head.

"Sorry, just a bit shocking." You smile. He returns it.

"So.. I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me. The first Hogsmeade trip is next Saturday." He says. You smile.

"I'd really like that." You answer.

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