Chapter 13

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"Ah good you're here. Harry should be here soon everyone!" Hermione announced as you walked into the Hog's Head. The place was sad compared to the Three Broomsticks. You sat down next to Cho Chang.

It was silent until Harry walked in.

"What's going on?" Harry asked. 

Hermione then went on to tell Harry that he would be teaching us real defense. Harry didn't seem too happy about it. But of course he agreed, especially in front of all these people.

They all decided to call this "Dumbledore's Army". Hermione wrote that at the top of a piece of paper.

"Obviously this will have to be a secret. So if you're in, sign your name on this paper. It's enchanted, so if you tell Umbridge or anyone wanting to rat us out, there will be consequences." Hermione explained.

A few people decided to leave, but you stayed to sign the paper. It was a great idea. Especially since Voldemort is back.

"Hey (y/n), how are you?" Harry asks as you sign your name.

"Fine thanks, and you?" You ask. He smiles.

"Okay. Still recovering from detention." He laughs. 

"What?" You ask. After Umbridge started with her new rules, more and more people were getting detention.

"Have you not gotten detention yet?" He asks. You laugh and shake your head.

"No rules that I care enough about to break." You shrug.

"Well keep that up." He says, then holds out his hand.

There was a scar on it that read "I must not tell lies".

"Merlin's beard! How is that even legal!" You cry, taking Harry's hand to examine it further. 

"I don't know. But stay out of trouble, okay?" He says. You nod.

"Why do you care exactly? I mean, thanks for warning me. But you had no reason to. So why?" You ask. You really had no filter sometimes. Harry just laughs.

"You've been through enough, I think." He says, then walks out of the Hog's Head, leaving you alone.


"It was the weirdest thing. I don't understand." You say, as you recount the last two days to Hannah. 

"I can see Potter being kind, obviously. But what on earth has gotten into Malfoy?" She asks. You shrug your shoulders.

"Well I should probably get going. I can't believe I have to meet Malfoy on the weekends too." You moan. She laughs.

"At least you're passing. He seems to be helping you a lot, as much of a git as he is." She says. You laugh as you walk out of the common room.

"Good, you're on time." Malfoy greeted. 

"Hello to you too Malfoy." You sigh.

"I have a game for us today." He smirks. You watch carefully as he opens a book for advanced potions.

"Why? I can't even pass this class, why are we going into advanced potions?" You ask. You really want to run, but sadly that would cost you your grade. 

"You know that muggle game 'Truth or Dare'?" he asks. 

"What on earth are you doing Malfoy?" You demand.

"We're making veritaserum, and then we're both going to drink some and play truth or dare." He smirks.

"No way." You say. He frowns.

"You have to do what I say." He reminds you.

"Snape doesn't want us to have veritaserum." You argue.

"He didn't want us with amortentia either but did that stop you?" He jokes. You gasp.

"Don't ever speak of that, it was absolute torture to have you on my mind constantly." You snap. He feigns hurt.

"Ouch. Anyway, that was a joke. We're going to make Pepper-up Potion." He announces, and you sigh in relief.

"Thank Merlin." You say as he hands you the book.

"Oh and I'm not cleaning up your messes today." He states. You roll your eyes.

This potion was easy. You had it done quickly.

"Not bad. Could've used a bit more cinnamon though." He assesses. You smile.

"I did it! Finally!" You cheer, and jump up and down.

"I figured maybe giving you a beginner's potion would go better." He says. 

"I'll take it. I can't believe I made a successful potion by myself. Thank you!" You smile. He looks at you like you've sprouted another head.

"Calm down, it's just a potion." He mutters. 

"Okay okay. Let's go over homework." You say, but you can't stop smiling as you pull your homework out.

He goes over your homework, putting much less marks on the paper than he usually did. 

"This isn't bad either. I must be an amazing tutor." He smirks.

"You are. I have an A in this class!" You say. 

"I have an O." He smirks. You roll your eyes.

"Yeah, that's why you're tutoring me and not the other way around."

He laughs, making you smile. As much as you hate to admit it, you were starting to enjoy meeting him every day, now that he wasn't constantly insulting you. Even if he didn't consider you a friend, you considered him one.

"Well anyway, thank you for all your help. Without you I'd be back in first year potions." You say.

"That would've been hilarious... I should've let you fail." He smiles, the first genuine smile you've seen from him.

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