Chapter 12

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"Hey (y/n)!" Someone called as you were walking to the library. It was Friday right after classes, and you wanted to get a head start on homework.

You turned to see Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley rushing to catch up with you.

"Hey guys, whats up?" You asked, confused. They never had any reason to talk to you before.

"You thing Umbridge isn't teaching us anything important right?" Ron asked. You nod your head, skeptical.

"Meet us in the Hog's Head tomorrow on the Hogsmeade trip. We're having a meeting. Don't tell anyone you don't trust." Hermione demanded, and the two of them walked away.

"Alright then." You said to yourself.

After that encounter, your mind was racing with possibilities. What could the meeting be about? Obviously Defense Against the Dark Arts, but what can they even do about it?

You tried to focus on the pile of homework in front of you, but you were too distracted.

Soon, it was time for dinner. You sighed and gathered your homework and met Hannah in the hallway.

"So, get a lot done?" She asked. You sighed.

"No. Granger and Weasley came up to me and asked me to go to some meeting tomorrow, so I was too distracted by that." You say.

"That's odd. Are you going?" She asked.

"Yeah. You and Ernie can come too if you want." You say, not wanting to go to this meeting alone.

"Sorry, I can't. Ernie and I have a date planned." She said sorrowfully. You groaned.

"You two make me sick." You laugh. Hannah smiles. 

"Oh please, you were like this once." She says. You frown at the thought of Cedric.

"Yeah." You say, your voice catching.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset." She apologizes, placing a hand on your arm.

"N-no, it's okay. I-I'm not really hungry, I think I'll go get some more homework done before I meet Malfoy. See you tonight." You say, not looking her in the eye. Then you take off toward the common room. 

The tears started to fall before you could make it to your room, but you kept running. 

You weren't mad at Hannah. She did nothing wrong. But it reminded you that it was only a few months ago that Cedric was alive. It felt so long ago but also like it was only yesterday. 

You sat on your bed, looking at an old picture of you and Cedric. It had originally been shoved in the bottom of your trunk, but now you set it on the bedside table. 

"Cedric wouldn't want you upset over him." Someone said from the door. You looked up to see Hannah.

"What?" You ask, wiping away tears.

"Cedric was always smiling, wasn't he? And he always knew when you were upset." She started. She walked over to your bed and sat beside you.

"Yeah." You smile slightly at the memory. 

"And whenever you were upset he'd immediately try to make you feel better. He hated it when you were upset. And I'm sure he's watching you right now, and wanting to make you stop crying over him. I know you miss him, maybe more than the rest of us. But you and I both know he'd want you smiling when you remember him." She said, wrapping an arm around you.

"You're right." You sniffed. 

"He'd also want you not getting held back from potions. (Y/n), you're gonna be late!" She screamed. You jumped.

"Why am I always late!" You yell as you run out the door.

As you run, you try to wipe away the tears and make it look like you weren't crying.

Obviously you were unsuccessful, because one look from Draco told you that you looked like a wreck.

"Were you crying?" He asks.

"No. I'm fine." You mutter, trying to hide your face behind your hair.

"You were obviously crying. Why?" He demands.

"Why are you being so nosy?" You huff.

"I'm not. But you're late, obviously because you were crying, and I'd like to have a valid reason for your lateness." He pushes. You roll your eyes.

"If you don't remember, my boyfriend was just recently murdered. Can we work now?" You snap. Draco looks up in surprise, then looks guilty.

"Right. Well I thought we could work on a simple love potion, but maybe not. Let's do..." he started flipping through last year's text book, looking for a new potion.

You smiled while watching him look. He actually cared about your feelings. That was refreshing.

"Ah, a wit-sharpening potion. You could use some intelligence." He smirked. 

So much for caring about your feelings.

"Okay." You agree, and take the book from him. He watches in silence as you begin.

You weren't really paying attention to what you were doing, so you didn't notice the boiling hot cauldron start scooting toward the edge of the desk as you stirred. Suddenly, you were pulled aside forcefully as the cauldron fell to the floor, spilling the hot potion everywhere.

You looked to see Draco with his hand around your forearm.

"Merlin's beard! How did I not notice that! Oh, I'm so sorry..." You cry, and start cleaning up the mess by hand, clearly not thinking straight.

"Scourgify." Draco casts a spell, and the mess disappears. You sigh and pick up the empty cauldron.

"Sorry." You mutter again. Draco sighs.

"You didn't get burned did you?" He asks. You shake your head.

"Thanks for pulling me away." You say. He nods. 

"How about we work on homework instead. I haven't finished mine yet." He suggests, taking a seat and pulling out his papers.

"I did, but I've been out of it so I'll probably have to redo it." You sigh. He nods.

"I'll take a look at it." He says.

It amazed you how calm he was. That mess could have easily caused him to blow up at you, or leave you to clean it up.

You watched him as he went through your homework. You were so confused by his behavior, and you couldn't stop yourself.

"I don't understand you." You state, and immediately regret it. 

"Same to you." He says, not looking up. 

"One day you're insulting me every two minutes and the next you save me from being maimed and clean up my mess. " You continue. He sighs and finally looks up.

"I'm not all bad (y/n). It's one thing to throw insults at you when you're okay, but it would be really low for me to when you're obviously out of it and having a bad day. " He explains. 

"Okay. Well thank you." You say awkwardly.

"Just so you're aware, we aren't friends now." He says, but when you look up, you see his famous smirk.

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