Chapter 27

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"Alright Draco that is it you better explain everything to me right now." You demand as you barge into the Room of Requirement. You had watched him for days to find out when he went in. You'd been preparing a speech and mustering up the courage for weeks so you could confront him.

He jumped in surprise. Then he glared angrily at you.

"I told you to stay away." He snarled.

"No. I love you Draco. I'm sick of this nonsense." You said.

"I don't love you. It was an act. Now go." He says, not looking at you. You laugh.

"I know that's a lie. Just tell me what's wrong. I can help you!" You say, walking towards him. You take his hands in yours, but he yanks them away.

"You want to know what's wrong? This is!" He yells, lifting his shirt sleeve.

Tears were streaming down his face, and as soon as you saw the mark on his arm, a sob escaped.

It was the dark mark.

" joined them?" You whispered angrily.

He looks down, defeated. He opens his mouth to say something but you cut him off.

"How dare you! You know what they did to... to Cedric..." you falter.

"(Y/n) I..."

"And my own mother was driven insane by... by them... by you! You just joined a group that has taken everything I love away!" You continue yelling.

"Please let me explain." Draco says sadly. You scoff.

"I don't ever want to see you again." You snap, and walk out.

It was a lie of course. You wanted him to chase after you, tell you it was all a joke. But he didn't, and it wasn't. 

You were taking a walk late that night (somehow you weren't caught by teachers). You hadn't spoken to any of your friends that day. After finding out Draco was a death eater, you didn't want to talk to anyone. As you walked around aimlessly, you heard hushed voices on the floor above you.

Curious, you started to walk up the stairs toward the noise, but suddenly you were yanked to the side, underneath the floor boards. You turned to see Harry looking scared to death, with a finger over his lips. Then he pointed up, and through the floor boards you could see Draco with his wand pointed at Dumbledore. He was crying and shaking, and your heart shattered. He was afraid.

"What's he doing?" You whispered to Harry. He didn't answer.

You could barely hear anything they were saying. Suddenly Snape appeared. And in the blink of an eye, Dumbledore was falling off the astronomy tower, already dead.

Soon after, a hoard of the worst death eaters joined Draco and Snape, laughing and celebrating their victory.

Harry grabbed your hand and dragged you out of your hiding place so you wouldn't be seen. The two of you ran to where Dumbledore fell, seeing that he was already surrounded by teachers.

"Harry what's going on!?" You finally cried. He didn't answer and took off after Snape. You watched helplessly as Harry tried to duel Snape and failed.

"(Y/n)!" Someone cried. You turned to see Hannah and Ernie running toward you.

"Thank goodness you're okay. You weren't in bed when we were told the death eaters got in. I thought..." Hannah rambled. You hugged her tightly, then Ernie.

"Dumbledore's dead." You said. They both looked at you in shock, almost not believing you. But then they looked a few yards to the right, and there he was, dead.

"What happened?" Hannah cried.

"Snape." You snapped. More and more students started to gather around Dumbledore's body. The death eaters were gone.

You heard an occasional sob within the crowd, but it was mostly just a stunned silence. How could Dumbledore be dead?

Draco was no where to be seen, understandably. You knew you'd probably never see him again, and never get an explanation.


"(Y/n), I'll write you." Hannah said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You smiled at her as she walked toward her parents. Most of the parents wanted to pick up their children instead of sending them on the train. You and Ernie had to take the train, along with a handful of other students.

"How could everything have gone so wrong?" Ernie said when the two of you sat in a compartment.

"I have to tell you something." You burst out. It was killing you to keep it to yourself. You wanted someone to give you a rational explanation, to tell you that Draco wasn't completely disgusting.

"Are you okay?" Ernie asked. You shake your head as a tear falls.

"Draco... Draco's a death eater." You say quietly. Ernie didn't answer, but he was more angry than you had ever seen him.

"If I ever see him again..." he seethed finally.

"I loved him Ernie. I thought he loved me too." You cried finally. The anger left Ernie's face and he pulled you into a hug.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)"

I don't really have a good explanation. I'm sorry it's been 6 months. To be honest I kinda forgot this app existed.

Anyway I'm back! I have to come up with a plan for the rest of this book. So I don't know when the next update is coming out but hopefully soon! Thanks for 13k by the way! You guys are fabulous!

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